"Hypothetically, um, let's say you're lying, and I help you find your son and daughter, and then you kill me again" Castiel brought up. "Cut me a little bit of slack. Please? That unhinged thing and that meth head Kevin Tran are about to bust through that door. God isn't here! It's just us" Castiel sighed deeply. "We're all we got, in case you hadn't noticed" Lucifer spazzed.

"Well, I-I-I have to talk to Sam and Dean" In true Lucifer response, the devil himself started banging his head on the table dramatically as he groaned. "Why, why, why, why, why, with all their second-guessing and their whining? This is an emergency, Castiel, and all they're gonna wanna do is—is put me back in the Cage" Lucifer complained, knowing that out of the three it was Castiel he could trust to help stop Michael. "That's all I want" Castiel said with no emotion.

"But right now, you need me, I need you, and we both need my children" Lucifer then changed his tone back to normal. "Look, not changing the subject, but we'll get back to it. I just wanna ask you, how did you hide them, so well? I mean, I tried to get a bead on both of them, and no bueno" Castiel was furious that Lucifer would just waltz in and claim the children that he didn't even know, that didn't even want him.

"Jack and Jenna" Castiel leaned forward, practically hissing at the devil. "Your children's names are Jack and Jenna" Lucifer let the names sink in, simple names that seemed to somehow fit. "Jack. Jenna. Wow. Are they..." Lucifer chuckled. "Awesome? I mean, are they a chip off the old block?" Lucifer looked like an excited child at the thought of having his own mini versions of himself.

"Thankfully, no. No, they seem to favor the mother" Castiel remembered Kelly, the brave woman who sacrificed her life for her children, and Lucifer didn't even remember or care for her. "All right, that's nothing that we can't fix. But seriously, I mean, why can't, you know, detect a presence?" Lucifer wondered.

"I don't know" It was obvious that he was lying. "But they're okay, right?" Castiel thought for a second on how to word what he would say next. "Jenna's fine, I just saw her a few hours ago. I'm sure Jack's fine" Lucifer caught on.

"Well, you don't sound sure about my son. Is he—is he nearby?" Lucifer asked. "No" Satan himself noticed the way Castiel slightly squirmed. "Somewhere more distant?" Castiel slightly nodded. "Yes, more that" Lucifer gasped. "Oh, my Dad. You have no idea where he is".

Castiel then got a phone call, his contact read Jenna. This caught Lucifer's interest. "No talking if you don't want Sam and Dean to know you're alive, Jenna will tell them" Lucifer pouted, Castiel walking away to talk to her while Lucifer used his power's to listen in.

"Hi Castiel, we need to find Jack and fast. Have you gotten a lead yet?" Lucifer was a bit excited about hearing the voice of his own daughter. "Nothing yet, but interesting things are happening. We—" Castiel looked at Lucifer who he realized was clearly using his powers to listen in, now standing behind him. "Yes Jenna, you can use a toaster" Castiel lied when he noticed Lucifer. "What? Castiel, are you okay?" Jenna worried on the other side of the phone. "Cas? You know, smooth was never your strong suit" Lucifer then hung up the phone.


"Castiel sounded odd. He was about to tell me something, and then changed the topic to toasters" Jenna informed the brothers. "I'll track his phone" Sam decided. "Let's go" Then, the ever-so-evil Ketch spoke up. "Yes, lets" Dean shot him a look. "No. No, you are not a part of "let's" M—".


"Man, I hate the idea of Ketch on his own in the bunker" Dean complained as he drove the impala. The beauty purred as it drove, Sam was doing research while Jenna had finally fallen asleep for the first time in a while. "He's locked up tight. Not going anywhere" Sam reassured his brother in a quieter tone, looking back to Jenna who was softly snoring. "Yeah. How we looking? You still got a lock on Cas's signal?" Dean asked. "Sure do. I nailed down his location. He's not much further, so... Don't worry. You did tell him not to do anything stupid" Dean made a noise. "Right. When's the last time that's worked?"


The brothers woke Jenna up before arriving at the bar. The building was dark, the brothers had flashlights on. "There's nobody here" A demon then attacked Dean. Jenna was right on it, using her sonic scream to make the demon die, turning into nothing. She didn't notice another demon coming behind her, but it was shot, making Jenna aware and kill it. The three looked over to see Ketch out of the bunker.

"H-how did you get out of the armory? Y-y-you...chains..." Sam mumbled. "Lockpick. If you'd done the prescribed cavity search, as you should've, you'd have found it. I, uh, grabbed some weapons from your toy box and a motorcycle from your garage, et voilà. What's become of your angel? Your half angel is the one who saved you two" Ketch stated, Dean pulled out his gun. "Not sure. But I am sure about you, Arthur".

Sam stood next to Dean, Jenna in front of the two slightly. "You know, I gotta hand it to you. That paper trail you cooked up, pretty impressive. But my gut told me it was baloney. Looks like my gut was right. See, I've been in it with you, Arthur. I've seen your moves. We've gone toe-to-toe. And I saw that look in your eye when you asked about our mom. So why don't you cut the crap?" Dean growled, Jenna's eyes glowed a golden color to scare him.

"Actually, everything I told you is true. Well, except for the, uh, twin brother thing. I am separated from the British Men of Letters, lying low because they will kill me for desertion. I make a rather good living as a sort of soldier of fortune, deep underground, for a certain sort of clientele who appreciate my skill set. And I do use the name Alexander" Ketch admitted.

"How are you still alive? From what I've heard, you were shot in the head" Jenna's glare with her golden eyes intimated anyone around her. "I believe you're familiar with the witch Rowena MacLeod, young nephilim?" Jenna didn't respond, just glaring at him. "She was captured by the British Men of Letters some years back. I discovered she'd sewn a powerful charm into her body that could bring her back should she be killed. I struck a deal wherein she did the same for me in return for allowing her to escape" Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "So after we dumped your body, you—" Sam was cut off.

"Good as new. Only problem is, one the device is used, it needs to be recharged" Ketch explained. "Which is why you need Rowena. She's dead, my father burned her to crisps" He rose an eyebrow. "Is she?" Ketch questioned. "Why'd you come here? You could've run" Dean asked, changing the subject.

"Did it ever occur to you, Dean, that I might actually be one of the good guys?" Ketch had glares from all three of the Winchester/Kline squad. "No. Not at all" Dean spat. "You and I were soldiers in opposing armies who were at war" Ketch tried to convince them. "Well, the thing about war is, one side wins" Ketch sighed.

"I suppose you're right" Ketch through a flash-bomb to help him get away. "Son of a bitch".


Jenna finally got a call from Castiel. "Castiel, finally. Where are you? Are you okay? You weren't at the bar and there were demons there" Jenna ranted in worry, not knowing it was Asmodeus. "I'm sorry. I'm fine. I tried to call and warn you, but couldn't get a signal" Jenna sighed in relief, making the Prince of Hell smirk. "Well, what's going on?" She worried. "I'm following a very interesting lead. I'll fill you in when I know more. See you soon, Jenna. I will find your brother, it's okay".

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