Anxious - A Shuichi x Rantaro OneShot

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Shuichi's POV

I walk down the hall to my dorm. It was the first day of collage, and I was sharing my dorm with two other boys. I hadn't met them yet. Hopefully they were... normal. I hope I wasn't stuck with someone like Korekiyo. He really creeped me out. As I step into the room, I see one boy in there, looking at himself in the mirror. He had green hair and wore a black and blue top with brown jeans. He glanced over at me, before walking over. "Hi! You must be Saihara-san. I'm Rantaro Amami." he said. He held his hand out for me to shake it. I did, but quickly let go. I wasn't the most social person. I had really bad anxiety, had constant panic attacks and really cared about what people thought of me. "I'm Shuichi Saihara." I say, before walking over to the double bunk bed (I mean like a bunk bed but it's a double bed if those are things). "Just pick whatever you want, but two of us are gonna have to sleep together." he said. I nodded, and put my stuff under the bed. "Can I go bottom?" I asked. He nodded, before ruffing his hair, still looking at himself. "Have you met the other guy yet?" he asked me. "No."

"He's a real nutjob. He's kinda insane, to be honest. Says he is the leader of some cult or something." he told me. I nodded, confused. I sat down in the bed. "Is there anything to do around here?" I ask, kind of bored. "I was gonna head out to the cafeteria, wanna join me?" he asked. It would be a good way to get to know the guy, so I agreed.

We headed out to the cafeteria, locking the door behind us. When we got there, a couple of groups were sitting down, eating and talking. It wasn't very busy, so we grabbed some food and sat down. We spoke for a while, explained our past lives, and some other stuff. "Hey, Saihara-san, why do you wear that hat?" he asked me, pointing at the hat I wore on my head. "Oh, it was a gift from my mom before I left. She wanted me to always wear it to 'have something to remind me of her,' or something like that." I explain. "You should take it off, your hair looks nice." he says, smiling. A weird compliment, but ok. I did as he said, taking my hat off and putting it on my lap. We continued to talk, but eventually we left, heading back to the dorm.
When we got back, the door was slightly opened. We stopped and looked at each other. I remember Amami-san locked it. Did somebody break in? I stepped closer, Amami got into some sort of fighting stance. I peeked through the slightly open door to see a boy with purple hair, a black and white neckerchief and a white button up shirts, with white pants to match. He was chugging a bottle of panta. "Oh, Ouma-san. It's you." Amami pouted, crossing his arms. "Hello to you too." the boy snickered. "Oh, you must be Saihara-san. Tell you what, you look a lot more attractive in person." he said. I stepped back a bit, not expecting such a comment. "What? Where have you seen me before?" I ask, panicking.
"Nishishi~ A lie." he says. I let out a sigh of relief. He better not keep that up. "Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Supreme Leader, Founder of the most dangerous cult ever to set foot on the earth, and panta lover, at your service." he says. He put his hand out, but when I when to shake it, he redacted it. "Don't be phased by him, Saihara-san. Ouma's a whacko." Amami spoke. Ouma rolled his eyes, before continuing to drink his panta. Well, at least one of my roommates wasn't insane.

After a while, we decided to call it a night. Classes began the next day, and I wanted to get up early. "Dibs the top bunk! You and Saihara-san are sleeping on the bottom!" Ouma demanded, basically leaping onto the top. I rolled my eyes at the ignorance, before glancing over at Amami, who was looking at me. "Hope you don't mind sleeping with me. I can guarantee, I don't snore or hog the sheets." he told me. I nodded, before going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth before hopping into the double bed, next to Amami. Ouma started talking for about 15 minutes, but eventually we were all asleep.

The next day, I woke up to loud snoring, coming from above me. Ouma was snoring incredibly loudly. I'm surprised Amami hasn't woken up. I look over at Amami whose... arms were around me. I shifted back, not wanting to wake him up, but wanting to escape his grasp as well. "Saihara-san... not yet..." he mumbled, still asleep. He tightened his grip around me, and I gave in. There was no escaping his arms. I would just wait until he woke up.

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