Increasing Gratitude (Introduction)

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With this growing awareness, we subconsciously also increase gratitude and compassion, as can be proven by looking at Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) studies of the brain.

Appreciation occurs when we begin to realise what we have been gifted with, and loving kindness reconnects is to others in a win-win attitude. We start to focus on positive thoughts and perceptions and, for a while, we let go of our fearful, anxious brain pattern. In fact, every action we engage in can become a daily meditation, a slowing-down and appreciation of life. It seems so simple, in some ways, that it is almost embarrassing to have to study it.

We need only remember when we were children who gazed at the sky and the drifting clouds. There was nothing to do, nothing to achieve. There was no notion of time nor any guilt for 'wasting' it. Time and guilt are concepts we learn about much later in life.

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