Chapter 1

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As the day began and the first bell for school started, something strange started occurring. In one of the senior classrooms, the floor started shining as an enormous circle spiraled into thin air with runes etched into it on the floor, stopping once it filled the whole room. The students taking notice, began to panic.

"What's going on?!"

"Wh-what is this?"

Giving the class full of students no time to figure it out, the circle began to spiral clockwise, and it slowly lifted off from the floor. Feeling the sensation of the circle engulfing them slowly was like the feeling of when you reach the highest point of a roller coaster and you suddenly drop. The feeling of your stomach floating and feeling your gut halt for that instant intensifying as the circle continued to spiral faster and higher, reaching their stomachs, was sickening and terrifying. It made the class want to throw up.

"H-hey, d-do something!" A girl clamored as she shook her boyfriend's arm.

"What do you want me to do?! You do something!" He argued back, nervous.

"Wh-what can I do? Don't joke around!" She countered.

"Guys, calm down! This isn't the time for that!" One of their friends said as he tried to interrupt them.

"Ugh, I feel nauseous", a girl standing next to her desk said as she covered her mouth with one of her hands, the other using the desk as support.

"Lyra, are you okay?" Her friend, Jen asked, Kyle right next to her.

Lyra turned her head to her friend, "You don't look so good yourself", she replied as she looked at her pale faced friends. None of the students looked so hot right now, with their nervous and pale faces. The circle was spinning incredibly fast now and had already reached their necks. As the students panicked and yelled and tried to get out of the spinning circle engulfing them, it attracted the attention of the other classes next to it. Curious, people slowly came out to take a look. As the students looked at each other and was wondering what was going on, the screams of the classroom between theirs rung louder still.

Inside, slowly but surely, the circle spiraled above their heads. The light it gave off when the last head was engulfed was blinding. It shone through the cracks between the door and wall and blinded the students and teachers who were on the other side. When the light faded and the teachers calmed the students down. One of the teachers slowly opened the door to the class. When everyone looked inside, they saw nothing but an empty classroom. The desk and chairs were in disarray, but the people inside were gone.

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