The Best Big Time Life Ever

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chapter 4: Great News For Both Girls 

The next day after Kathy went on a date with her new boyfriend James she called Jo to tell her the good news she had and what she didn't know was that Jo had good news too. "Hi Kathy." said Jo when she answered the phone. "Hi Jo I got great news to tell you about James and me." said Kathy excitedly. " I got great news too Kathy." said Jo also excited. "You first." Kathy said smiling. " Kendall asked me if I wanted to go out with him." Jo squeeled excitedly. "Cool and my news is the date with James and me went great and we had our first kiss and we are dating now!" said Kathy excitedly. "Awesome." said Jo "Do you want to come over for breakfast?" Kathy asked "Sure can the guys come?" asked Jo "Of course they can." answered Kathy. So Jo invited they guys to come along with her to Kathy's house and off they went. When Jo and the guys arrived at Kathy's house James greeted Kathy with a kiss and sat down next to her at the table. Kathy had cooked up scrambled eggs,bacon,and pancakes for breakfast and for drinks there was orange juice and milk and it tasted good. After breakfast Carlos and Logan went home but James and Kendall stayed behind to hang out with their girlfriends. But first Kathy had to clean up so Jo,Kendall,and James helped. After the clean up they watched a movie. It was lunch time by the time the movie was over because it was so long. So Jo,Kendall,James,and Kathy all got up and stretched their arms from sitting so long. Then Kendall offered Jo a ride home and Jo said yes,said goodbye to James and Kathy and of course Saber then left. Before James went to the door he gave Kathy a kiss goodbye walked out the door got in his car started it up and went home. 

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