Capítulo 22 (veintidós)

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Romano's POV:

Old golden clock on a shelf announced another half an hour of silence in the cabin where I and the others have spent more than an hour already. While Francis, Gilbert and Emilio sat on chairs, I and Javier were standing each on different side of the big window. Javier's hands were folded on his chest and his eyes scanned the room from time-to-time, looking for any kind of trouble.

I straightened up, getting his attention immediately. I gave a short nod towards the ceiling but he only shrugged his shoulders in a simple answer. I let out a quiet sigh as I walked towards the door. Quickly giving the guys a look, I noticed they were all serious and their eyes fixed on nothing as if it was showing them possible outcomes of some kind of situations.

I finally got out and breathed in the fresh midnight air. All of the uncomfortable feeling that ate me from inside just because of being there with them fell from me. My mind was rather spotless as I walked up the stairs only to find Antonio leaned against the banister. His emerald-like eyes shone into the darkness with an unknown desire.

,, What the hell are you still doing here, bastard?'' I spat out as I walked to him. He froze for a mere second and then let his shoulders sink in a relieved way.

,, Just getting some fresh air to clear my mind,'' he said, a tired grin on his lips. ,, For more than two hours,'' I pointed out pitifully. He said nothing as his head fell down and the grin faded away. Why are you being so emotional all of a sudden? I asked him in my mind and made a quiet "Tsk" sound.

,, Roma...,'' he suddenly said, making me jerk at his low tone. He approached me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace without any signs of warning. Normally, I'd shout at him and push him away immediately but I knew empathy so I just let him do whatever made him feel better. But slowly, unwilling of course, I locked my arms behind his back.

I looked up to notice that he no longer had a ponytail over his shoulder. ,, Hey, what happened to your hair?'' I asked quietly, almost softly. The response I received from him was his face being buried deep into my shoulder and I sighed heavily. ,, You really are an idiot,'' I said, half seriously half as a joke. He agreed with a nod and I pulled away, making him look right into my eyes.

I frowned, trying not to reveal anything while his eyes shone darkly as if they searched for something in my own. I swear, if he had ears they'd be folded to the back of his head in a sad and tired expression. I chuckled at the thought in my mind and finally let my face relax a bit.

Perhaps he saw this as a sign of approval because he slowly leaned closer, his hot breath brushing against my face which made it feel hot all of a sudden. Maybe it was all gravity's fault but I found myself being kissed by him and me kissing back.

His lips were just as soft as I remembered and they tasted like some exotic spice, making them interesting to kiss. My heart began to beat unrealistically fast as he licked my bottom lip. His silky tongue caressed every inch of my mouth once it was in, a sigh escaping from the back of my throat.

It is true I hated him for many reasons but now I thought only about him. For the past few seconds I thought how he made me feel every time he hugged, kissed or just stood next to me. For the time being, I really didn't want to pull away from his body and loose this comfortable warmth which made me feel like I was in a completely different universe, away from all the troubles of live.

However, we eventually pulled away and gasped for the needed air as we still stared into each other's eyes, pressed close. He surprised me for the third time tonight by leaning down and giving me a quick peck on my swollen lips from the previous kiss. I chocked on my own breath and my face heated up. I buried it into his large chest and felt safe, somehow. His chest vibrated as he chuckled and gently patted my head, stroking my hair slightly.

,, How come you're so nice tonight?'' he asked teasingly but only for me to hear, sending shivers down my spine. ,, D-don't get fucking used to it, bastard!'' I pursed my lips in a pout even though he couldn't see. Honestly speaking, it was getting weird how he made me feel every time we were like this and I still couldn't find out what exactly it was. But I know it was against the rules of a normal person. Two men loving each other, unthinkable. If someone walked into us right now, we'd be in a big-ass trouble.

,, I wish we could stay like this forever,'' he suddenly stated, my heart fluttering at the sentence. Ugh, fuck it, I thought as I pulled away but grabbed him by his collar and crashed our lips together without thinking much about it. However, before he could do anything I pulled away and jogged away from him.

Raising my voice I avoided his look as I spoke. ,, We will! We just have to end all of this crazy shit!'' Without waiting for his answer, I ran down the stairs and into the cabin, shutting the door behind me. Everyone's heads jerked towards me and I quickly walked back to my previous place by the window, looking straight forward. I leaned against the wall and glared at everyone, making them all look away.

,, So?'' Javier asked and I only nodded, pleasing him with a good report. I breathed in to clear my head but couldn't forget what I said just few seconds ago, my face heating up almost immediately.

I heard a soft "pfff" sound coming from the three men. I looked up and noticed Francis' eyes on me, a slight smirk tugged on his lips and his chin resting on the back of his hand. I glared at him and quietly growled towards his way.

,, Jesus, where the hell is Toni for so long?'' Emilio suddenly said, his voice almost a growl. ,, I'm right here,'' the Spaniard's voice echoed through the room. He afforded everyone a look and a small smile. ,, Sorry for taking so long.'' ,, Here you are! You made me worried!'' Francis exclaimed. Gilbert, meanwhile, laughed with his fucked up laugh and Antonio only sighed.

,, Anyways, now that you're here,'' Emilio started, getting everyone's attention, ,, we need to talk.'' Antonio opened his mouth to say something but Javier quickly stopped him, ,, I think there was enough talking tonight.'' Francis and Gilbert agreed, probably already tired or just to avoid weird atmosphere. ,, I hope you won't mind me hosting you tonight,'' Antonio said and opened the door for them. Everyone walked out, though Emilio looked pissed off and Javier seemed to be the one to push him through the entrance.

I was about to follow them when Antonio grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze. ,, What the fuck do you want, bastard?'' I hissed, glaring his way. ,, What you said few minutes ago-'' he started but I cut him off mid-sentence by getting my hand from his forcefully and looked at the wood under our feet.

,, Think about it yourself,'' I mumbled and quickly walked away.


Hey, everyone! I'm back! Yeah....maybe you're asking why (maybe not) and well, the reason is, my parents got into a freaking fight so we had to go back home halfway through  Sweden :,( It was so damn beautiful and I fell in love with it even more than before. 

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. It was more romantic and such because you'll probably kill me in the next one :D

So, Yeah. Thanks for reading it and thanks for your support. I love all your comments so please, be sure to tell me your thoughts about not only the story but also this chapter. 

Have a nice day, see ya! 

- Boora-chan 

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