Capítulo 21 (veintiuno)

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Aph Portugal's made-up human name - Emilio


Antonio's POV:

My breath got caught up half-way through my throat.

How come he's here? How did he even get here? How...?

The one I haven't seen or heard from for more than ten years suddenly showed up in the middle of an ocean, on a sunny day and now was hugging me dearly. His body felt weird against mine and his words were weirdly unpleasant to hear. His accent stuck onto them, making my ears and everything inside of me uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I felt a kick to my leg which, thankfully, brought me back on the Earth. My eyes darted over my shoulder only to meet a pair of amber ones which were piercing through me and sharpened slightly as they moved from me to the unexpected guest. I looked at him too and showed no emotion whatsoever as I gestured him to follow me.

I let him go first into my cabin before shutting the door behind him and myself, taking one last deep breath to straighten up my thoughts.

Romano's POV:

The man I thought I knew seemed to be taken aback completely. Until now, he was always the leading one but now he looked like a small dog, tail between his legs, yet tried to growl at the predator in front of him. However, he seemed to know that guy and judging by the way the other one talked to him, he knew him too. And to be honest, I didn't feel alright around him either.

,, Weird, right?'' Javier's deep voice echoed from my side, making me flinch and quickly turn to him. His eyes narrowed for a split second before turning darker and serious. I gulped quietly but nodded at his question. ,, Be careful around him,'' he said, his voice at least an octave lower. I cringed inside but tried not to show it.

,, What's the fucker's name?'' The question came out in a low growl, making even me surprised. ,, Emilio,'' Javier's voice came out as dangerously low as mine did. If Javier was this serious, he will be a real trouble, that Portuguese guy. My head shot up in a sudden realization and jerked towards the man next to me.

,, Judging by Emilio's accent, isn't he Portuguese?'' The figure next to me only nodded. ,, How do they know each other? I thought Portuguese and Spaniards hated each other,'' I said, pursing my lips slightly. A short laugh escaped Javier's chest. ,, They're brothers, amigo. That's how.'' A grin settled on his face as he gave me a cheeky look. My eyes widen open and I frowned. ,, They're brothers?! How?!'' I gaped at him. He gave out a sigh before answering. ,, You still don't know the most important thing; Toni's a prince.''

My mouth went agape. ,, What?!'' I shouted at the top of my lungs, making Javier visibly flinch. ,, They both ran from the palace. His brother away from the rules and Toni to find him,'' he laughed a bit before continuing, ,, Ironic, isn't it?'' Javier smiled gently as if remembering something. ,, Man, you should've seen them; they were way different back then.''

I silently watched him and said nothing because of being way too shocked. Finally breathing in fresh air, I shook my head at the thought of Antonio in a fancy place like palace. That didn't matter right now, anyway. My talk with him could wait. Right now, there was something else to worry about and Javier probably noticed because a serious look settled on his face just like minutes ago.

,, Putting that aside, what about Arthur? I don't know what will happen but I can't imagine them fighting,'' Javier said suddenly. I narrowed my look in the direction where the British Navy ship was sailing, trying to catch us just like a cat would a mouse, inpatient to eat it. I looked away and again on the Spaniard.

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