" Hmm... Thank-you Severus," Dumbledore says.

The rest in the morning eases by slowly and it is finally lunch. I walk into the Great Hall and suddenly feel nervous. I walk to the. teachers panel and noticed Minerva deep in talk with Pinkie. Uh oh this is bad! As I get closer I hear a few words being said. 

"Dolores please. I assure you that Hogwarts is safe for the student," Minerva says.

"But Minerva dear, Mr Fudge wants me to make sure that Hogwarts is keeping our next Generation of Witches and Wizards are in the best hand. It is for the children," Dolores says smiling.

"The students are hardly children. They are growing up Professor Umbridge and they need to be prepared for life," Minerva says standing. "So if you will excuse me," she walks off.  I sigh and looked up to see Hermione storming out of the Hall. I stood and walked out a back door and went towards the lake. Hermione sat there crying.  I almost smashed my lips to hers right them and there.

"Hermione," I said quietly.

"Severus," she whispered tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong?" I say kneeling beside her.

"I... It's Ron.. He loves Lavender," she cries. "And she likes him back."

"Hermione why is that bad?" I whisper cringing.

"I don't want him to get hurt," she cries.

"Mione!" someone calls from the castle. I turn and see Ron and Harry running down towards us.

"I will leave you alone," I murmur.

"No! I don't want you to leave me," Hermione says throwing herself into my arms. I slowly rub her back as her tears wet my shirt.

"Hermione what are you doing?" Ron screams.

"What?? Severus actually cares about me," she says.

"Hermione, he is a teacher. Its his job to care," Harry says giving me a death stare.

"Well you know what Harry and Ron! He may be just a teacher to you. But I love Severus Snape and I don't care what you say! Neither have you have ever thought about how it effects me seeing my two best friends love girls when I am so alone! I don't care if Snape is a teacher I love him," she says tears streaming down her face.

"What!?! Hermione Jean Granger! Are you serious?" Ron takes a step back.

"Yes," Hermione runs off crying her eyes out. Both Weasley's and Potter's eyes turn to me.

"What in Merlin's Saggy Underpants is happening here?" Ron presses.

"It's true what she said! Just don't say anything to anyone."

      *Hermione's Point of View*

I run to the Dormitory and go to my room. I quickly grab my anti-depressants off the table and I head to the bathroom. Quickly swallowing the pills, I take a hot shower. After half an hour I finally feel better. I dry myself and wrap a towel around my body and go back into the room to get changed. I sit there for the rest of the evening not going to the potions class. I couldn't look at Harry nor Ronald. I went to the bathroom to have a bath and when I get out Ginny sits on my bed, with my arms crossed.

"Hermione! Harry and Ron want me to give you this," she says passing me a piece of parchment. Sitting beside Ginny I read it.

'Hermione, we are both sorry for what happened. We didn't realize what you were going through and that you and S were in that position. We both have agreed to not be upset\angry about this all and we want you to know we are here for you and do not want to loose you. Love Harry and Ron xx'

"Are you okay?" Ginny says.

"Yeah," I say throwing jeans and a shirt on. "I gotta go bye," I say walking down the stairs. Harry and Ron sit on the couch and turn to me as I enter the room.

"Hermione we are so sorry," Harry says standing. I ignore them both and storm out of the common room.

What do you think?? I really wanted Hermione to have a different side of her that wasn't in the movie!!

Sticking Together   (Snape + Hermione Fanfiic) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now