Final Chapter: Heart Strings

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~Third Person P.O.V~

This was it, after almost a month's worth of practice it was finally happening, tonight was the night they'd perform and well.. needless to say it was nerve wracking.

Mordecai, Rigby and Thomas all stayed back stage, waiting for their turn to be called. Thomas sat alone, his ear piece plugged into his keyboard as he practiced, Mordecai was sitting beside Rigby, his guitar already slung across his chest while Rigby.. well Rigby was freaking out.

"Oh my god we're so dead." Rigby said, pulling the curtain aside just enough so he could see the boy currently performing. A blonde teen with long hair sat on a stool playing his guitar wearing a blue checkered shirt, his voice seemingly wooing all the girls in the crowd.

"We'll be fine, dude. Now get over here and lets tune our guitars" Mordecai said, shaking Rigby's shoulder.

"So.. so dead." Rigby said wide eyed, as Mordecai pulled him aside. Reassuring his boyfriend.

"Dude look, we've practiced a lot-" Mordecai thought to himself before continuing "Ok maybe not that much, but I know we're ready. Alright? We'll be fine, and if not.. well I'll be right there beside you, failing just as bad as you do." Mordecai said, trying to cheer up his boyfriend.

Rigby let out small laugh "Yeah, sure. But we both know you'd fail harder" Rigby said between laughs, eliciting a smile from the larger male.

"Now that you're better I think someone else needs some pep talk" Mordecai said, to which Rigby simply tilted his head not knowing who he's referring to. Mordecai sighed and placed his hand on Rigby's chin, placing a little pressure making Rigby's gaze turn to Thomas.

"Ohhhh.. right" Rigby said, getting up and walking over to Thomas who was busy practicing for their performance.

"Hey, uh... Thomas" Rigby said, but Thomas apparently couldn't hear him, seemingly ignoring Rigby.

Rigby, slightly annoyed unplugged Thomas's keyboard. "Hey! Oh- uh. Hi Rigby?" Thomas asked more than stated, he hadn't noticed Rigby was there as he normally plays with his eyes closed to better 'feel' the song as he puts it.

"Yeah, hi. Mind schooching over a bit?" Rigby asked, to which Thomas merely smiled, moving over, Rigby sat next to him, a smile on his lips.

"You ready?" Rigby asked

"Yes, of course I'm ready why wouldn't I be? We've practiced enough" Thomas said, avoiding the real meaning in Rigby's question.

"That's not what I meant, I mean.. are you ready.. you know.. emotionally?" He asked.

"Honestly? No, but I have no time for that. I can deal with that later, for now.. we have a show to do." Thomas said, once again masking his tears with a reassuring smile.

Rigby simply smiled, planting a quick kiss on Thomas's cheek right cheek before making his way back to Mordecai.

Thomas lightly touched his cheek before smiling.

Mordecai and Rigby intertwined their fingers, waiting in anticipation just as the cheery voice of Pops came through the speakers.

"Everybody! Let's give it up for Angel!" He said, as Angel bowed to the crowd before making his way off the stage "Jolly good show! Jolly good show indeed!"

"Now, everyone, let's welcome our final show for the night! Mordecai, Rigby and Thomas with their original song.. Heart Strings!" Pops said, his gleeful laughter trailing after his words.

"Welp, guess that's our cue" Mordecai said, standing up with Rigby, Thomas joining them. The three nodded to each other before stepping on stage.

The audience stared blankly at them, only Jeremy and Chad cheering ecstatically as their friends stood on stage.

Rigby stood in the middle of the stage, Mordecai to his right and Thomas to his left.

Rigby took in a deep breath before nodding to both of them, and with that.. the performance began.

Rigby closed his eyes as his fingers danced gracefully along the strings of his guitar, a sweet melody played throughout the room.

"Why do our hearts beat faster, why do we smile whenever we're together?" He sang, his voice an obvious tenor, clear and smooth.

"Its because of a spark, that's how the fire starts.. the spark to show the world of our love!" Mordecai chimed in, his voice deeper and more full than that of his boyfriend, the voice of a bass singer. Thomas began to play, his fingers dancing expertly across the keyboard, serving as a harmony to the two guitars.

"My love is strong" Thomas chimed in
"My love is true" Mordecai sang
"My heart it sings" Thomas sang, his voice, baritone. Meeting the sweet spot between high and low, perfect for harmonizing.
"It sings for you" Mordecai sang his gaze turning to Rigby.
"our hearts they sing, they sing for each other!" Mordecai and Rigby sang before Thomas chimed in
"Am I left to fend and find my self another?" His voice harmonizing the pair.

"We all seem to be good at playing our, Heart strings. Heart strings they sing the music for you, and you and you" The trio sang together, filling the room with music.

"Why do our hearts sing for each other?" Mordecai and Rigby sang together

"And why can't mine play its song for another?" Thomas chimed in

"Our love is a promise" Mordecai sang

"Our love is a song" Rigby chimed in

"Our love is promise to forever be strong" they sang in unison

"We all know how to play our heart strings, what joy do they bring, our heart strings" the trio sang once again, all leaning in towards a single mic before Rigby ended the song with a power chord, the group obviously exhausted by their performance.

Their performance earned them a lot of applause, everyone enjoyed it everyone but Margaret who stormed out of the room angrily.

The trio turned to each other, smiles on their faces as they finally understood the meaning of playing with Heart Strings.

(A/N: Well, that's a wrap! I hope you all enjoyed and by the way, there's still one last epilogue chapter I'll be posting soon. Thank you all so much for the support! I hope you enjoyed, and please check out my original story once i repost it.. shameless plug aside- I hope you enjoyed. Bye! -Jason)

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