Chapter 24: What have I done..?

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A few weeks had passed since the group watched a movie, Thomas seemed to be avoiding both Mordecai Rigby.

Once again, Thomas headed towards his dorm alone, walking through the carpeted corridor leading down to his room. His hood pulled over his head, covering most of his face, his bag slung over his bac, Thomas reached for his door knob when an arm suddenly slammed against it, startling Thomas.

"Dude, what's going on? We haven't seen you in a few weeks.. are you avoiding us..?" Mordecai asked a slightly startled Thomas.

Thomas sighed, relieved it wasn't Rigby. "Oh, I'm sorry Mordecai. I've just been.. busy.." Thomas spoke, avoiding Mordecai's gaze.

Mordecai opened his mouth, but noticed Thomas's composure, and decided not to question.

"Well.. whatever it is, you better take care of yourself. Honestly, it isn't me who's so worried about you. Its Rigby." Mordecai spoke. His words slightly surprising Thomas.

"Rigby's.. worried about me..?"  Thomas silently questioned himself.

"Well, good luck dude." Mordecai said, snapping Thomas out of his thoughts, shrugging as he turned away. And began to head towards his own dorm.

Thomas shook his head, placing his key into its slot, preparing for another cold and lonely night.

Thomas lay alone in bed, staring up at the ceiling, unable to get Rigby out of his thoughts. When he heard a sudden three soft knocks on the door.

Rubbing the tears from his eyes, he slowly made his way to the door. Freezing in his tracks when he heard a soft concerned voice call from the other side.

"Thomas..? You home? Mordecai said he bumped into you" Rigby said, standing in hallway, concern evident in his voice.

Thomas didn't know what to say, his heart began to race faster.

"You know... if its about what happened.. at the cinema.. its alright.." Rigby continued "I'm not mad.. so please.. talk to me.. I'm-" when Thomas opened the door, tears in his eyes.

Thomas wrapped his arms around Rigby, bringing him in for a warm hug "I.. I missed you.." Thomas's voice was painful and shakey.

Rigby didn't know what to say, he just stood there and let Thomas hug him.

"I was so.. scared that.. you'd hate me.. after what I did.. I just.. I couldn't face you.." Thomas paused, whimpering before continuing "I couldn't.. I.. I-"

"Hey, its alright.. dude.." Rigby pushed him back slightly, a small smile on his face. "Why would I be mad at you? I mean, come on. Who could blame you?" Rigby said, giving him a wink, causing Thomas to blush deeply and look away.

"Y-you're not helping.." Thomas spoke.

Rigby giggled before speaking "Alright sorry, is there any way I could help..? Come on.. I know we can fix thi-"

Rigby was cut off by Thomas who had pushed himself against Rigby, his lips connecting with Rigby's, kissing him hungrily, his eyes clenched as tears streamed down his face. Rigby stood there, wide eyed, trying to push Thomas away.

A sudden hard fist connected with Thomas's cheek, knocking him to the floor. Mordecai stood in the doorway, anger in his eyes, grabbing onto Rigby and pulling him out of the door. Slamming the door behind him as he and Rigby walked away, leaving Thomas alone in his room, the sound of sobs and tear drops slowly filled his room as he collapsed to the floor.

"What have I done.."

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