Chapter 56: Under the Mistletoe

Start from the beginning

But then again, had they not appeared in your life, you would have been dead a long time ago. They saved you from the hellhounds, taught you about the hybrid monster you were going to blindly hunt down on your own, they introduced you to Jody and Charlie. Dean introduced you to feeling something other than emptiness and pity and hatred.

"Are ya still with me?" Charlie snapped her fingers in front of your face.

"Oh, yeah. I was just thinking. My life may have been simpler, but I would've been dead months ago without them."

"Bingo," she said.

You looked at her quizzically. "I didn't realize we were playing BINGO." You tried not to chuckle at your comment as you thought of it being something Castiel would say, but he would be serious and not joking.

"I had to come to that realization too. Sure, those two royally messed with my life, but it was only because of them I still have a life. I wanted to hate them, but deep down I couldn't."

All you said was, "Oh."

The tow of you continued to shop around in various different stores of the mall. You wanted to find the perfect gifts for Sam and for Dean, but nothing was jumping out at you. What were you supposed to get them? They didn't exactly have hobbies...

"Charlie, what the heck am I supposed to get these guys?" you finally asked. You wanted to do it without any assistance, but the time for that had passed. You just wanted to be home and watching It's a Wonderful Life.

"Dean loves few things, but among those few things is his car. And what if you got Sam something he would love. Dean would kill you, but get him a dog."

You laughed loudly at her suggestion. The thought of those boys taking care of a dog while also dealing with hunter stuff was comical. "Could you even imagine how Dean would react? The car stuff was a good idea. The dog is just a good way to ensure Dean hates me."

"But it would be so cute and tiny. Just imagine Sam having a fluffy little companion."

"I think I'll get him a nice blender or something so he can make all his health freak smoothies. But maybe a puppy is an option too," you said developing an idea.

Charlie seemed to be awfully excited about Sam getting a puppy and it made you think that she was the one that wanted the furry companion. It seemed like a good plan. Dean would probably still kill you, but at least Charlie didn't live in the bunker. She would likely be leaving after the holidays, according to her word.

After picking up a blender for Sam and various different car detailing products, you went to pet store. There were so many adorable puppies you couldn't even hide a smile if you wanted to. Charlie immediately spotted a puppy with a long, dark, shaggy coat.

"Okay, he is perfect. He looks like a wookie."

You snorted and grinned. The dog was a small mutt, but you had to admit it was pretty adorable. The price tag on the mutt's glass enclosure said he was half off, which meant they were having a hard time selling him. You didn't want to think of what would happen next to the animal if it didn't get sold.

You asked the worker for the paperwork and several minutes later, the playful ball of fur was yours to take home.


The night was nearly over and you were all exhausted from the day of shopping. Charlie was keeping the puppy to hide from Sam, even though you still planned on surprising her with it. There was no denying how much she fell in love with the miniature wookie.

Dean stood from the couch and stretched his limbs before facing you to take your hands. "Let's head to bed. It's been a long week and I've missed you."

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