Chapter 30 - Things Are Finally Looking Up For Us All

Start from the beginning

I was a bit worried about what the others would think, because I didn't ask them what they thought of Kirsty moving in. We finally made it to my front door, I used my key to get in.

"Hey there's my sweetheart." Corey called out as I walked in.

"Hey guys how's it goin?" I asked.

"Great." Dylan said but he wasn't really concentrating, obviously the Xbox was more important than my arrival.

"So guys I want you to meet Kirsty, she's a friend of mine that I met at college. She was living at a really crappy apartment that she was being ripped off at, so she's gonna be moving in with us. Is that all right?" I explained.

"No problem." Zoe smiled putting her hand out to shake Kirsty's, " I'm Zoe and that's Dylan, Jake and Corey. Dylan's my boyfriend and Corey is Jasmine's boyfriend. Jake is Corey and Dylan's friend and he's single." Zoe winked suggestively in Kirsty's direction.

Kirsty blushed at Zoe's last part of the comment, "Guys don't usually want to go out with me anyway." she said sounding embarrassed.

"Why not?" Dylan asked.

"Because I'm such a 'nerd' apparently, also they all think I'm ugly." she said glumly.

"They need to get glasses then, because you're beautiful." Jake said not making eye contact with Kirsty.

"You really think so? No ones ever said that to me before." Kirsty sounded shocked.

"I'm not lying, I think your really pretty." Jake said still not daring to look at her.

Corey got up from the couch and came to stand by my side, I leaned on him and he smirked that stupid smirk that I seriously still hated. Only this time I didn't say anything.

"You have plans for tonight." he whispered in my ear.

"I do?"

"Yes, you do."

"Where am I going?"

"Little dinner and a stroll." he smirked again.

"Since when does the bad boy get all romantic?" I teased.

"Since he started hanging out with you sweetheart." he kissed the top of my head.

"Get used to those two Kirsty they always do that." Dylan said to Kirsty.

"You can't talk, you and Zoe are exactly the same." Corey defended us.

"He has a point Dylan." Zoe agreed.

"Come on sweetheart we're going now." Corey steered me to the door.

Zoe and Dylan came out behind us but went in the opposite direction. I sighed it was good to finally get some time with Corey.


- Kirsty -

They left me here on my own with Jake. I barely know the guy and I'm alone in an apartment with him. The couple of times he spoke to me, he'd never made eye contact with me it was weird.

The ominous silence since the others had left was driving me crazy, so I bit my lip and spoke.

"So, ahh, you're coming to college right."

"Yeah the others want me too, so here I am." he replied finally looking into my eyes.

He began staring at me, he looked like he was in shock. I waved my hands in front of his face, "Hello?"

"Ha...what...sorry." He stumbled over the words shaking his head.

"What's wrong?" I said horrified, I thought I'd made him go into shock.

"Your eyes. There so beautiful."

I didn't know what to say, I kind of liked Jake he seemed nice.

This is going to sound so crazy but do you believe in love at first sight?" he asked me.

"I don't really know whether I do or not, its never happened to me before." I admitted, I mean it wasn't a lie. No one had ever asked me out.

"So here's the crazy part. Do you wanna, I dunno, maybe go out sometime?" he asked scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You know what? I'd love to get to know you more." I smiled happily at his proposition.

I stood up from the couch, "Come on what are we waiting for?" I asked.

"You want to go now?"

"Don't you want to go now?"

"I'll go with you anywhere Kirsty." he took my hand and led me out the door.

I was actually excited, this was my first date. It was going to be great.

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