My Job

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Quick note you guys. I know the song is dirty. But I think of it as dancing and a crush. So try to think clean for me ok? Ok.

You raced into the club and backstage before panting heavily.

"Where have you been?!" Janessa snapped at you her hands planted on her hips. She had long brown hair that went to her waist and a curvy figure. She was glaring daggers at you while you attempted to catch your breath.

"Aw you missed me." You cooed tauntingly putting a hand on your chest. "What's the matter J? Scared your show won't make as much?" Janessa scoffed.

"As if. Your busted dance moves won't even get a hundred." She challanged with a smirk of her own.

"And that's why I made double your paycheck last week right?" You returned with a smirk.

Janessa dropped her smirk and curled a fist. You smiled when you heard your boss speak up before walking between you two.

"No fights." Jess said sternly. "I don't have the time or patience tonight. Janessa you're up first." She said with a nod. Janessa smiled at you triumphantly and walked up the stairs leading to the stage.

"You're gonna eat those words." She shot. You remained silent. The beat started to pick up and you heard the crowd cheer as she walked on the stage.

Zoran stopped running taking a small look around when she saw you run into a club. She frowned and put a hand to her lips in thought.

"Maybe she's a server." Zoran muttered outloud before following and creaking the door open.

"As if. Your busted dance moves won't even give a hundred." A mean looking girl told you rudely. A few remarks were exchanged and Zoran frowned in thought.

"Dance moves?" She thought as she snuck in the rest of the way hiding on a latter up to the rafters she watched the mean girl walk on stage as the beat began to grow in volume and pace.

The girl sang and danced to a song and Zoran tilted her head in confusion as some of the boys looked funny they were drooling and couple of them got hit by what Zoran guessed was their girlfriends.

When the song finished the mean girl walked off stage with a smirk and hit your shoulder with hers.

"Beat that performance rookie." Zoran clenched her fists angrily then watched you pull a hood over your head causing a shadow to hide your face as you walked out on stage.

The adrenaline pumped through you as did anxiety and your music began to play. The crowd cheered loudly but you tuned them out. You just needed to remember your routine.

"Your love is like a poison!" You sang on cue and paused allowing the beat to course through you.

"P-p-p-poison!" You repeated with a stammer for effect and tapped your foot to the beat.

"My heart is racin', my skin is burnin' up. Hands are shankin' but still I can't get enough. It's rushin' through me. Like fire in my veins."

You sang as you began your routine. You showed confidence in your dance as you tried to keep pace with the beat. Despite hours of practice it was no easy task.

"Sweet pain. My body's achin', achin' for your touch. Point a breakin' mercury is goin' up.  Look how you move me, look at the state I'm in. I'm in."

Were having a hard time keeping your breath in check but you hid it well. You glanced over to the money meter. It counted the money you were earning and right now you had far surpassed Janessa's a smirk crossed your lips. That was all the motivation. You needed.

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