Chapter twenty-two- I think I just met an angel!

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I broke down in tears while kneeling on the hospital floor. As I kept on crying, I noticed a hand rubbing my back soothingly trying to comfort me. I looked up and discovered an old woman.

"Hey, stop crying. Don't worry it's going to be fine." She said offering me tissues to wipe the snot and tears.

Definitely not attractive at all.

"Thanks so much."
"You're welcome, dear. Will you love to share what the problem is?" She smiled, patting my shoulder lovingly.

I hesitated a bit because let's be rational it's not easy to trust a total stranger with all about you. No matter how sweet or innocent they look.

"It's okay if you don't want to share. I totally understand your reluctance." She smiled looking totally approachable.

I need to unburden my heart and tell her.

"No ma'am, it's alright. I need to unburden my heart anyway and get a piece of good advice." I smiled sadly.

I started telling her about the whole issue with Greg and all that transpired between us. After telling her all of these things, I looked at her expectantly.

"You do know all things happen for a reason right?"
"Yes, I do. At least what happened now has proven to me how stupid I was not to forgive Greg."

"I wouldn't go as far as saying you're were stupid. You were only acting human. The saying 'to err is human but to forgive is divine," actually works in your situation so well. This incident reached out to your divine part to actually forgive Greg. Life has proven to be too short to hold grudges."

"Now I know that, but I just wish Greg's life wasn't at stake," I said sadly.
"Who said his life is at stake?" She smiled knowingly.
"The doctor said only a miracle can save him. I don't see one happening now."
"You want to know how a miracle happens?"
"Yeah... I will do anything right now for it to happen." I anxiously replied.
"It's actually a very simple thing. A miracle is a mixture of two ingredients called 'faith and believe' if you have those two things it's very easy. So do you believe?"
"Yes I do," I responded with great conviction.
"Then that's all. He'll soon be awake dear, so wipe your tears. You don't want to scare him back to coma." She joked and patted my shoulder.
"How do you know that?" I asked as she started standing up.
"It's called a miracle, and I believe in miracles 'cause I live them myself. My life is a walking miracle." She smiled and kept on walking.
"I'm sorry but I didn't get to know who you are?" I yelled again.
"I am your miracle and I tell you not to blow your chance away. Make it right as soon as possible." She finally turned away.

"Miss your fiancé is awake and he's asking of you. It's a miracle, and such has never happened before." The nurse said in excitement.

I looked down the long hallway to thank the woman, but all I saw was empty air. No matter how fast she walked it isn't possible she already left. Then I suddenly realized something, I think I just met an angel!

Thank you, Lord, for such a miracle. I will forever be grateful.

"I am sorry Greg, I still love and want to marry you. That's if you're are still interested." I said immediately I entered the room.

"I am sorry Ash for calling you a skank. Please forgive me.
I have registered in anger management class for my anger issues. Will you still marry me and be my plus one?"
"Do you even have to ask?" I said hugging him tightly.

He is finally going for anger management class for me. He is the best.

"Why are you on this nightgown Ash?" Greg grumbled when he noticed my appearance.
"It was either the nightgown or your life moron." I teased him.
"I think I would have picked my life on the line. Everyone is now staring at my fiancée." He pouted like a child.
"You wouldn't be saying that if you're still in a coma. I also think I met an angel!" I said happily, as I started narrating everything to him.

I'm so happy to have him back.

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Chapter twenty-two is up!👆

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The update😘
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