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Rey woke up to a flashing red light. Her friends around her still asleep. She rubbed her eyes thinking about the bright light she saw maybe a few hours later. Standing from her seat, Rey marveled at the new scene in front of her. She stepped toward the windshield. Goosebumps scattered her arms, she knew the area, and she never thought she'd see it again.

Thor stirred in his seat. Opening his eyes slowly he woke. He looked at the girl standing beside him as Valkyrie and Bruce woke as well. They flew over the Bifrost and continued over the bridge. "I never thought I'd be back here," Valkyrie said in a soft tone.

"Yeah, you and me both," Rey added.

"I thought it'd be a lot nicer," Bruce quipped, "I mean not that it's not nice. It's just on fire."

A hologram of a mountain appeared over the console, "Here up in the mountains." 142 started, "Heat signatures."

"People clustered together," Rey added quietly. "If she gets to them before we do, Asgard's gone."

"Okay, drop me off at the palace, and I'll draw her away," Thor said.

Rey shot him a worried look and 142 spoke, "You'll get yourself killed!"

He nodded, "The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela I need you three to get everyone off Asgard."

Bruce looked at his friend, "How the hell are we supposed to do that?"

"I have a man on the ground," Thor answered.

They landed in front of the palace. Stepping out of the ship, Rey took in her surroundings. She breathed a "wow."

Rey and Thor made their way the the armory. Rey sighed. She went to the corner and ran her hand over her old pod. "Missed it?" Thor asked from behind her.

"More than I really knew," she opened the door of the pod and inspected the interior.

She thought about how Thor was running straight into the crossfire of this battle for Asgard. He was one of the last people she would ever want to lose. But knowing she would get nowhere in arguing with him about safety, she stayed silent. She stepped in the pod and pulled a small handle on the side, it wouldn't budge. "Dammit," she cursed.

"What are you doing?" Thor asked. That's what she really wanted to ask him. That and 'why are you going on even more of a suicide mission than you were already on before?'

She ignored the question and started punching around the handle only just to dent the metal. "Stand back," Rey mumbled afraid of possible explosions. She placed her hands over the side compartment. They started glowing brighter and brighter until eventually the metal was moldable. She dug her fingers into it to get a grip on the jammed door and started pulling.

Thor watched as the metal bent and creaked. Eventually Rey was able to tear the metal off its hinges, revealing a sword, similar to what the bifrost sword looked but smaller in size. She grabbed the weapon out of its place and turned around. "Vibranium," she said. Thor looked at her with a confused expression, "It was given to me by someone from Midgard."

She handed it to Thor and walked over to another wall. She pushed a door in to unlock it and grabbed the contents. "This is what you were looking for, right?"

"Uh, yeah," he stuttered. She tossed him the rolled up clothing and started to walk out. "Rey," he stopped her. She turned around to face him, "I can't take this," he held out her vibranium sword.

Cautiously, she reached out to take the sword, "It'll kill her."

"I can do that on my own," he said, "Something's wrong."

Rey slid her sword into a sheath, "Everything's fine. You're going to go after Hela and..." She trailed off. Thor stood silently just looking at her, "Just make sure when I see you next, it's not..." she trailed off again, breathing a bit shaky. She knew what it was like losing someone she truly cared about.

"I'm not going anywhere," he reassured her.

She sighed, "You don't know that. I mean, what happens if Hela is too strong and you get hurt, an-"

He cut her off by locking his lips with hers. Rey seemed tense at first but soon melted into the kiss and placed her hand on his chest. And suddenly what was only minutes felt like hours. But in reality it was short lived, and they slowly parted. "I'm not going anywhere," he repeated.

She nodded, "Okay."

Thor grabbed a large gun on the way out and they made their way back to their friends. Thor hoisted the large gun up to the parked ship. "Now the ship has a gun," he said to 142.

"I'll take it from here," she replied.

He nodded, "Rey-uh-found this in the armory," he handed her the white and silver signature armor of the Valkyrie. "Good luck," he turned to walk away.

"Your Majesty," she stopped him, he turned to look at her, "Don't die," the ship lifted off the ground, "You know what I mean."

Rey stopped Thor who was walking toward the palace. "What she said," she planted a kiss on his cheek, and ran and jumped onto the moving ship. Thor walked into the throne room of the palace. Stepping over pieces of debris. He looked up and saw what had changed. The old cyclorama holding most of Asgard's history has been destroyed, and revealed the true history of Asgard. Which included Hela.

Thor held his father's gold royal scepter and sat in the throne. Lifting it slowly he took a deep breath and lowered the end of the staff to the ground, letting the booming sounds go across Asgard.


This boi was a shorty lol

I feel like it might've been too forced but like idk so just let me know

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