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Rey was tossing one of Korg's blueish rocks up in the air, catching it, and repeating constantly; she was just trying to cure her boredom. But she had no luck. Korg and Miek watched probably thinking it's was the most entertainment they had gotten in weeks. She sighed, "How long do you think this'll take?" The blond asked the big pile of rocks.

He shrugged, "Probably not much longer. I do find it odd, however, how the Grandmaster did not allow us to watch this time."

The girl nodded slowly, the only thing keeping her sane was the two aliens sitting on either side of her. They talked her out of panic attacks and helped her through some depressing times. Being the only Asgardian took a toll on her and refusing  things the Grandmaster asked always got her in trouble. But for some reason he wouldn't just take her out of her misery. She didn't know why... Deep down she didn't want to die, she wanted to fight, like how she was raised. But she had been stuck in Sakaar for almost three years and her only friends were an insect and a pile of rocks.

Rey was taken from her thoughts when the doors opened and the alien missing was thrown into the prison. He was just barely alive. The three got up and helped the poor guy to a wall for him to sit up. "He's brutal," Doug whimpered, his breaths were slowly getting more and more shallow. And he was out, the Asgardian raised two fingers to his neck, afraid she was gonna be the only one speaking to Doug again.

She looked at Miek and Korg and slowly shook her head. Korg looked down, sad for his friend. Miek clicked a few times and went the sit back against his spot on the wall, his knife-hands dragging on the way back. Korg and Rey followed. "Look on the bright side, he's in a better place... hopefully," Korg gestured to the motionless alien.

Rey and Miek nodded in unison, "He doesn't have to fight the damn champion anymore." Rey almost felt jealous, but at this point the only reason she hadn't taken her own life, or tried harder to get the Grandmaster to do it, is because of the aliens in the room with her. She knew they cared about her and she cared about them.

All Rey wanted was to escape Sakaar, but as the Scrapper who capture her had told her, "No one leaves Sakaar."

Rey heard a footstep in front of her. She looked up and saw Doug. He was smiling at her when he spoke, "I'll be with my family." She smiled back nodding.

"He said, he'll be with his family'," Rey translated to Korg and Miek. Korg always being the positive one had a smile plastered across his face now knowing for sure that Doug was truly okay.

A Few Weeks Later

The few weeks after were easier than expected. Partly because of the fact that Doug told the prisoners not to be sad so there was no weight on their chests for that.

Rey was tossing rocks provided by Korg again, when the door to the prison opened. The guards marched in after the Grandmaster. "Alrighty, Reen-Reyna uhh," he looked at the guards to help him with her name.

"Rey!" She snapped as she stood from her place on the floor.

He nodded, "Ahh, yes, Rey... you're coming with me, and you're going to see what you're missing."

Rey raised an eyebrow, "I couldn't possibly be missing enough to compel you to think anything would change my mind." She crossed her arms, "I'm not fighting anyone, I'm not capturing anyone, and that's that."

"Yes but you forget," the Grandmaster wiggled a purple remote between his fingers. "You don't want to be electrocuted, right?" He paused as if waiting for her to answer a rhetorical question, "Look, you aren't being forced to fight anyone or capture anyone, just what life is when you do."

Rey thought for a moment, she didn't feel like being electrocuted at the moment. Or killed for that matter, not that he would actually go through with killing her. So she obliged, "Fine, but don't think I'm gonna listen next time you ask for something."

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