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"Odin, I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave shall live forever..." he mumbled a little, "Nor shall we mourn, but rejoice for those who have died a glorious death," Thor stared at the wall as he prayed to his father. However, a new voice joined in on the last two words.

Thor turned around and laid on his back against the wall, to face his guest, "Hurts doesn't it?" He paused, "Being lied to. Being told you're one thing and then learning it's all a fiction." Thor threw a rock at Loki, knowing it would go through him, "You didn't think I'd really come and see you, did you? This place is disgusting!" He threw another rock, "Does this mean you don't want my help? Look, I couldn't jeopardize my position with Grandmaster, it took me time to win his trust. He's a lunatic, but he can be amenable." Loki paused again, "What I'm telling you is, you could join me at the Grandmaster's side. Perhaps, in time, an accident befalls the Grandmaster, and then..." He gestured to Thor, then himself, then behind him to imply a takeover of Sakaar. But instead of words he got a rock fazing through the forehead.

Loki sighed, feeling defeated, "You aren't seriously thinking about going back, are you?" Thor still ignored him, "Our sister destroyed your hammer like a piece of glass... she's stronger than both of us... she's stronger than you. You don't stand a chance." His brother was still extremely quiet, not realizing that Loki just cared. He didn't do a very good job of showing it, but he certainly didn't want Thor to die.

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to go in alone, like I've always done," The elder brother was still silent, "Will you say something?" Silence, "Say something!"

"What would you like me to say? You faked your own death. You stole the throne. You stripped Odin of his power, and stranded him on Earth, to die... releasing the Goddess of Death. But I've said enough already, would you like me to go further back than the past two days?" Thor explained. He was annoyed that his brother was being so ignorant, but again, he just didn't realize that his brother cared.

Loki looked down at the floor, then back at his brother, "Y'know I haven't seen this beloved champion Grandmaster speaks of, but I've heard he's astonishingly savage." Loki continued, "I've placed a large wager against you tomorrow... Don't let me down."

With that left in the air, Loki left. Suddenly, Korg ran up to the wall and kicked it, "Piss of, ghost!" He exclaimed. He turned and looked at Thor, "He's frickin gone." He then turned to Rey, who was following him around the circle, "Maybe your abilities have rubbed off on me!"

Rey chuckled and shook her head, "That's not something to be excited about, it's more of a burden than a blessing." Thor looked at the girl who rarely spoke. If anyone had ever made him curious, it was this girl.

"That was my brother," Thor said chuckling a little too at Korg's outburst.

Korg has a face of realization plastered on, "Ah, I see. So I can't see dead people?"

The girl smiled, "No, Korg. Nor should you want to."

"Okay," he shrugged and walked back around the circle to his other friends.

Thor looked at the girl standing a few feet from him. She sensed this and turned around to see his little smirk. It was a face almost of accomplishment, because he finally got her attention. Her eyebrows furrowed at Thor as he patted the spot on the ground next to him. Rey thought for a moment and obliged. She knew she shouldn't form emotional attachments to people in Sakaar because it most likely wouldn't last long. But she was curious to know this man, who just so happened to be the prince of her home.

"Y'know," he cut through the silence, "I still don't know your name."

She looked down then back into the man's eyes, "Rey."

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