Clementine and (Y/n) (A New Day Part 2)

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      As I kept hobbling away from the horde of the undead which was chasing me, I came upon a wooden fence. I hoisted myself over the fence, and landed on the dirt floor beneathme lying on my back. I stayed there trying to catch my breath as I heard the zombies bang on the wooden fence. I eventually picked myself up and decided to take a look at my surroundings. I noticed that I was in a back yard, it looked like it was designed for a kid. There was a tree house with a tire swing, a red wagon on the ground, and at the base of the tree which held the tree house was a plastic tea set. 

  "Hello? Anybody?" I called out. 

   I got no response, I walked over to the tree house to see if there was anyone hiding up there.

   "Hello? Is anyone up there?" 

   Same as before, I got no reply. I assumed that the house was abandoned, so I made my way up to the porch of the house to see if I could get inside. It was a sliding door, and I successfully slid it open, which indicated that it was unlocked. I closed the door behind me and started to walk around the house. 

"Hello? I'm not an intruder, or one of THEM." I said just in case if someone was home. 

   The room I was in was a living room combined with a dinning room, along with an open wall to get into the kitchen. The place looked ransacked, with furniture flipped over, and blood smeared on the carpet, heading towards the kitchen. I decided to make my way towards the kitchen, to see if there was a first aid kit around, but while I stepped on to the tile floor, I slipped on some blood and fell. I sat up and hoisted myself up back into the standing position,  when I heard the answering machine turn on in the living room, saying it had three new messages. I looked over at the sink and saw there was a bottle of water that looked fresh, I hobbled my way over there and chugged it down, since I haven't had anything to eat or drink in a day. I opened up all the cabinets and drawers to find a first aid kid, unfortunately I found none. The answering machine kept going off so I decided to play the messages so it would shut the hell up. 

"Three new messages, message one left at five-forty-three p.m." The answering machine said. 

"Hey Sandra, this is Diana. We're still in Savannah, Ed had a little 'incident' with some crazy guy near the hotel,  so we had to get him back to the ER and have it checked out. Anyway he isn't feeling well enough to travel back tonight, so we're staying an extra day, thank's so much for looking after Clementine and (Y/n), and I promise we'll be back in time before your spring break!" A woman named Diana, said over the phone. 

  As it continued to play in the background I decided to check around the house a little bit more, I saw on the floor a kids drawing covered in blood, it was three stick figures, two of them I assumed were kids and one was an adult, all three of them were girls, and on the bottom of the picture it said "To the best babysitter in the world, Sandra." I placed the picture down and warder around as the next messaged played. 

"Message two, left at eleven-nine-teen p.m." 

"Oh my god finally! I don't know if you've tried to reach us; all the calls are getting dropped. They're not letting us leave, and aren't telling us anything about Atlanta. Please, please, just leave the city, take Clementine and (Y/n) with you back to Marietta. I've got to get back to the hospital. Please let me know you're safe." Diana said crying over the phone as the message came closer to the end. 

   I went over to the front door and saw stairs that lead upwards, but I couldn't go up there since it was blocked off with more furniture. I walked back to the answering machine to hear the last message, the last one was worse then before, it was so bad it left chills running down my spine. It was Diana again, but as you heard her talk you could hear the snarls in the background, coming from those things I dealt with earlier. 

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