Chapter 21: Help Me Find A Cure

Start from the beginning

Dinah: "Good morning, Babs." (Barbara straightened her handbag and stood up straight.)

Barbara: "Hello, Dinah. Good morning to you as well."

Dinah: "You ready for the best breakfast ever?"

Barbara: "You know it, rockstar." (Dinah tilted her head towards the entrance of the restaurant.)

Dinah: "Then let's rock." (She opened the door and jazzy music was playing. Dinah and Barbara sat down at the first empty booth they saw. Barbara smiled at Dinah brightly.)

Barbara: "I can't wait to eat breakfast. I am starving like a wolf."

Dinah: (Laughs) "Don't I know it?" (She picked up the breakfast menu and cops were passing by the diner with their sirens on. Barbara groaned and her thoughts came in.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Really? Now? When I'm trying to order my breakfast? Ugh, why does being a hero got to be so complicated?" (Barbara cleared her throat and Dinah was still paying attention to the menu.)

Barbara: "Uh, Dinah? I have to run. Can you order for me and put it in a to-go box?"

Dinah: "Uh, sure. Go ahead. I'll text you later to let you know that I got your food." (Barbara patted her shoulder and smiled.)

Barbara: "Thanks, Dinah." (She jogged into the bathroom and changed her clothes to Batgirl and puts on her gloves.)

Batgirl: "Time to take some criminals down. On an empty stomach. Boo..." She opened the window and jumped out. She activated Spy Drone and it came to life.

Spy drone: "Hello, Batgirl. What can I do for you?"

Batgirl: "I want you to summon my motorcycle. I'm going to take down a couple of criminals in a car chase."

Spy drone: "I'm on it." (He summoned her motorcycle and Batgirl puts on the helmet then takes off beside the cops. Batgirl saw the criminals up ahead driving muscle cars. She smirked.)

Batgirl: "Spy drone! Activate thrusters!" (A massive thruster on the back of her motorcycle boosted her farther in between the two criminal drivers.)

Batgirl: "Good morning, gentlemen! Did you know that speeding on roads like this is against the law?" (One of the muscle cars tried to ram Batgirl, but she moved just in time before the car bumped into the one next to it. Batgirl took pressed a button on her console then oil spills out from the back of the bike. The thugs in their cars begin to panic as their wheels were covered and they tumbled several times. They finally stopped and stood upside down on their hoods. The cop cars screeched to a halt and they got out to investigate the cars. Batgirl was already at the edge of a building looking down at the cops searching the cars. Her thoughts were swarming into her head.)

Batgirl: (Thoughts) "Well, since those high speed thugs are down, might as well pay Mr. Freeze a visit, but I'll need the location." (Batgirl had her phone out and went to her GPS tracker.)

Batgirl: "Spy drone, send me Mr. Freeze's location."

Spy drone: "Right away, Batgirl." (The tracker started beeping and blinking until it made a positive ping sound on the tracker showing a yellow dot which it assumes to be Mr. Freeze. Batgirl smiled and nodded.)

Batgirl: "Mr. Freeze, I'm on my way." (She glided to Mr. Freeze's location and Mr. Freeze was in his icy lair watching his beautiful wife Nora within her cold inducing casket. Batgirl landed from inside the overhead and Mr. Freeze turned around and saw Batgirl.)

Mr. Freeze: "Batgirl." (He nodded his head while having his direct eye contact and Batgirl crossed her arms while rubbing them because it was seriously cold like -7 degrees Fahrenheit cold.)

BATGIRL Book One: New Hero of BurnsideWhere stories live. Discover now