Chapter 19: Learn To Play Your Role

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(Dinah was walking down the sidewalk and she was really nervous about Batgirl's plan.)

Dinah: "Babs, are you sure that this 'plan' of yours will work?"

Batgirl: (COM) "Trust me. I'm pretty sure that they're foolish enough to believe that you're me."

Dinah: "Yeah, but how long until they notice that I'm not you and they're actually smart?"

Batgirl: (COM) "Then we'll figure it out as we go along."

Dinah: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Batgirl: (COM) "You'll do fine. I promise that I will be with you the whole way and when the time is right, then we attack them, but first just listen to my words and play into the role." (Dinah stopped at an alleyway where the stop sign is located and she took a deep breath.)

Dinah: "Alright. I'm right in the open. They should see me, now."

Batgirl: (COM) "Don't forget that you are not alone and don't mess this up."

Dinah: "Believe me, I have no intention of getting us trouble."

Batgirl: (COM) "Be careful, Dinah and good luck with your audition." (Dinah rolled her eyes and patiently waited for the thugs. They came out of the shadows behind her and was about to pull her.)

Dinah: "Okay, here goes nothing." (The thugs grabbed her while pulling her back and knocked her out with the butt of their guns. Everything went black and then she heard a voice. It was a female talking.)

???: "Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine, redhead!" (A smack went across her cheek and Dinah finally woke up. Her vision was blurry, but then it became clear. It was Harley who smacked Dinah in the face and Dinah looked around and saw Barbara's dad in front of her, knocked out as well. The villains were standing in a circle around them. Dinah noticed that she was in a warehouse.)

Dinah: "Out of all the nice places, you picked the warehouse?"

Harley: "It seemed quiet and doesn't need those pathetic cops surrounding it. Oh, wait. We have one right here. Hey, officer! Wake up!" (Batgirl arrived through the skylight and landed on the metal rods where the lights were. She looked carefully at the villains and what they were planning to do. Jim woke up and saw 'Barbara' tied up just like him and tried to get out.)

Jim: "Barbara!"

Dinah: "Dad!" (She was struggling to get out, too and Jim yelled.)

Jim: "Let my daughter go! She has nothing to do with this! It's me, you want, not her!" (Harley hits him in the stomach with the handle of her sledgehammer. Batgirl was worried and hesitated, but she kept calm.)

Harley: "Shut up, you dirty cop! We need her for some questioning! So shut your trap and maybe your daughter won't face the same punishment." (Joker lowered her sledgehammer.)

Joker: "Be easy with them, Harley. You're already beating them to a pulp without asking questions. That's not how it works." (Harley turns around to face Joker.)

Harley: "Did I ask for you to speak, hon? I don't think so. So, don't interrupt me again. I got this handled."

Joker: "Alright, Harley." (Harley turned to Jim and Dinah.)

Harley: "Now, redhead. I'm going to ask you three questions. Three and if they are what I want to hear, then I'll let you and your daddy go. But if they're are not good enough for my ears, your dad will feel a whole lot of pain in his sides. Literally. So, do we have a deal?" (Harley reached out her hand to Dinah. Batgirl spoke to Dinah within her earpiece.)

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