Chapter 2: College Day!

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(The morning rose and Barbara got up with excitment knowing that it's her first day at college. She stretched her arms out and yawned gently. She got undressed and hit the showers. She was humming to herself while washing up. When she was done, she dried herself off and her hair with a towel. She then grabbed her toothbrush and puts some toothpaste on it. She brushed her teeth everywhere to make sure she didn't miss a spot. After that, she blow dried her hair and puts on her blouse and pants on. Then finally, she curled her the ends of her hair to perfection.)

Barbara: "All set to go." (She grabbed her phone and bag.)

Jim: "Babs, breakfast!"

Barbara: "Oh, coming!" (She left her room and closed the door. She saw Jim making eggs, bacon and toast.)

Barbara: "Morning, dad." (Jim turned around and saw Barbara smiling at him.)

Jim: "Look at you. You're beautiful."

Barbara: "Thank you, dad." (Jim kissed her cheek and she smiled. Then she was concerned.)

Barbara: "How was last night, dad?" (Jim was thinking about that question.)

Jim: "It was uh, it was fine. Nothing to worry about, Babs. It's police business after all." (She nodded at that in agreement.)

Barbara: "You're right. I don't know why I even asked that question. Forget about it." (Jim sets the plates down on the table.)

Jim: "I made breakfast."

Barbara: "It looks great. I can't wait to eat it." (She sits down and grabs her fork.)

Jim: "I'll say the prayer."

Barbara: "Okay." (Jim says the prayer and Barbara opened her eyes when he was done.)

Barbara: "Amen." (She stabs the eggs with her fork and took a bite.)

Barbara: "Wow."

Jim: "What's the matter? You don't like it? Too hard, too soft?"

Barbara: "No, no. It's very delicious, dad. Good work."

Jim: "Thanks, Babs. I know it's been a long time since your mother taught me how to cook for the first time."

Barbara: "Well, I'd say that she taught you very well, dad. I'm happy that you're trying."

Jim: "I appreciate that, honey."

Barbara: "I know you do. Well, I better get going. I don't want to be late."

Jim: "Wait, you signed the application?"

Barbara: "Of course I did. I didn't want you to stress over more paperwork. So, I decided to fill it out myself."

Jim: "Wow, you're really growing up, Babs."

Barbara: "Yep and you know what adults say, kids grow up too fast."

Jim: "Exactly. You be careful over there and be watchful for boys. They can do some devious things to you."

Barbara: "Oh, I'll keep an eye on them, dad. Don't you worry and if I need help, I'll be sure to call or text you right away."

Jim: "That's my girl and same goes for strangers." (Barbara opens the door.)

Barbara: "And the same goes for strangers." (She laughs at him.) "See you later, dad." (She chuckles as she closed the door and Jim locked it. He chuckled as well.)

Jim: "My darling daughter is growing up." (He saw the picture of Jim and Barbara together when she was a little kid and he almost teared up, but smiled. Barbara ran to catch the school bus and sat in a random seat to look out the window. She looks in her bag to get her headphones out, but somehow it wasn't in there because she left it at the house.)

BATGIRL Book One: New Hero of BurnsideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora