Chapter 17: Investigation

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(At night in Gotham on top of the Thomas and Martha Wayne's Memorial Hospital roof, Batgirl was on the roof with Ace.)

Batgirl: "There. Now, you are ready to make your appearance, Ace. All you need now is a new identity." (Ace the puppy barked happily. Batgirl tapped her finger on her chin as she started to think.)

Batgirl: "Hmm. Not Ace the puppy. It's too adorable." (She kept thinking until she got an idea and snapped her fingers.)

Batgirl: "I got it, now. You're gonna love this one, boy. How about Ace the Bathound? Huh? What do you think?" (Ace went up to Batgirl and licked her face.)

Batgirl: "Aww...I take that as a yes and you're a good puppy. This costume is perfect. While you check yourself out, Ace, I'm going to see what this app is all about." (She got on her phone and went to the app store and selected the HOOQ icon. She hit installed and it downloaded very quickly.)

(She then made herself a profile on HOOQ

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(She then made herself a profile on HOOQ. It asked her what her name was, what was her age, her hobbies and everything there was about herself, except she didn't put her hero name because she wanted that to be a secret and always a secret. Then she chose a photo that Frankie took of her and she pulled from her gallery and added it as her profile picture.)

(Batgirl smirked and nodded her head as she agreed that her biography background was simple and easy

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(Batgirl smirked and nodded her head as she agreed that her biography background was simple and easy.)

Batgirl: "This is perfect. Although I should have added that I am not single and I have someone to care about. Oh well. It's done and over with." (She went back to her home screen and suddenly Jim Gordon texted her.)

Jim: (Texted) "Hey, honey. You know I didn't want to leave that hospital, right? I wanted to stay, but I had a job to do. I wanted you to rest your eyes and wake up seeing my face light up. Well, we can't always have wishes that will come true. There are flaws and know that I love you so much. I'll come visit you again tomorrow morning. Dad has to work now." (Batgirl smiled and texted back.)

Batgirl: (Texted) "Alright. You better be careful, dad. Sometimes I get worried that you might...that you might never come back from your job. 😔"

BATGIRL Book One: New Hero of BurnsideWhere stories live. Discover now