15- yay, trip? (part 5): Mingyu VS the repercussions

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If anyone had told Mingyu that this year's theather club trip would end with most of his group of friends not speaking with each other, he would refuse to believe it. 
His friends often argue and tease each other, but at the end of the day, they were incapable of staying mad for too long. 

During their time being friends, he only witnessed two major disagrements. 
One was when Seungcheoul got upset with Jihoon and Seokmin over the theater club's performance. Their frustration and stress resulted in a screaming match which was resolved the next morning when Soonyoung got everybody to apologise to each other. 

The other one was when (Y/N) and Seungkwan had argued over some subject that Mingyu couldn't recall. It might have been about Hansol and something that one of them had done. All he could remember was that they had both spent 3 days without talking to each other and that their fight only ended when Seungkwan got too tired of not talking to (Y/N). 

Still Mingyu wasn't sure how things escaled to the point they were currently in.

One minute he's watching Taehyung and Jungkook playing Overwatch, the next Soonyoung runs in, telling him that Wonwoo found out about (Y/N) being in love with him and that he refuses to move from his spot outside in the snow. 

After Soonyoung assured him that (Y/N) was fine and that she went to take a walk alone to clear her head, Mingyu decided to go outside and check on his best friend. 

From everybody in Wonwoo's life, Mingyu had the most experience when dealing with his low points. He might be known throughout the school for being void of emotion, but it wasn't actually true. Wonwoo was sensitive. Hee just preferred to not express how he was feeling most of the time.

Still, Mingyu didn't feel prepared for this particular situation.

Wonwoo was sitting outside in the snow in the back of the café where most of the student body was. He just looking down and rummaging through the snow around him as if somehow that bundle of frozen water had any answers for his predictment.

"You're going to catch a cold if you continue to do that!" Mingyu said looking down at his best friend. Being only met with his silence, Mingyu decided to try a different approach. "Wonwoo, can you at least  tell me what happened with (Y/N)?"

"...I'm don't know what happened with (Y/N)..." Wonwoo admitted in a low voice, finally looking up at Mingyu. 

The tall boy looked completely lost, dumbfounded. Mingyu had always thought that Wonwoo often resembled a lost puppy whenever he was confused and didn't know what to say or do.
This time however, he just looked incredibly sad.  His brain was incapable of processing with the situation, and Mingyu figured that it was going to take a lot more than just soft talking and food to get Wonwoo to function properly again.

"I imagine you don't want to talk about it now."

"Not really."

Mingyu extended his hand hoping his friend would take it. "Well, then. Do you want to go inside and hopefully watch Hyuk's ass get kicked at Overwatch?"

Wonwoo responded by shacking his head and going back to rummaging the pile of snow he had gathered around him. 

Mingyu sighed. This was definitely not how he pictured Wonwoo's first love developing.

"Okay...how about we go to our room and you can moop for a while and listen to that depressing playlist filled with Lee Hi songs?" 

Although Wonwoo didn't scold him for disrepecting his playlist as he usually did, Mingyu was still relieved that his friend at least accepted his offer.

Later on, as Wonwoo laid in his bed staring at the ceiling and listening to his depressing songs, Mingyu started to ponder if things were just going to get worse from then on. 

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