Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Did He Forget?

This is my first story so... no hate pwease?  Also: Did you forget by Demi Lovato is the main song that goes well with this story. And I’ll add more songs along the way. Please vote or comment J –Dannyy

 Harry frowned down at the freshly-made cuts, tears still running down his face like a cascade of waterfalls. Razor in hand, he added one last cut along with the others. He scrambled up to his feet, careful not to hit this cuts, and headed to the bathroom to clean his cuts. Just like the usual.

 He looked at his reflection in the mirror, only to see a broken boy with red, puffy cheeks, tear-stained cheeks, and bags under his now, dull, green eyes. Harry shook his head in bitter sympathy towards himself. No one is there to help him. No one will be able to get him back up to his feet. No one will be able to bring back the smile that used to be on his face. Well... there used to be someone.

 Louis William Tomlinson.

 Ever since Louis introduced Harry to Eleanor, Louis’ girlfriend that he was so smitten about, he’s always get this feeling that something bad was going to happen. Not to Louis. But to Harry. Something bad that might danger their friendship. Harry didn’t have anything against Eleanor (maybe the fact that she took Louis away from him). He thought she was amazing, and the girl version of Louis, which explains why they got along so perfectly. But he didn’t like the fact that Louis barely spends time with him anymore.  Harry just shrugged off the fact that Louis barely spends time with him anymore, thinking that Louis just wants to spend time with Eleanor after his hectic schedule touring. But he never knew that it would all lead to this. Ever since Eleanor came in between their relationship, Harry and Louis drifted away from each other, further, and further away each day. And it came to the point where Louis barely took notice of Harry, except for interviews and concerts.

 The usual hugging, fake kissing, the hanging out, joking around, and getting in trouble... it all vanished. They all disappeared into thin air. Every time Harry would try and bring out a conversation to try to talk to Louis, the Doncaster boy would just find excuses to leave and not talk. Every time Harry would ask him to hang out, Louis would decline. There were times, when Louis didn’t even acknowledge Harry when he was home. He wasn’t the same Louis Harry loved. Yes, loved. Ever since they met in the toilets at Boot camp, they clicked on instantly.

 Harry felt a weak smile tug onto his dry, chapped lips at the happy memory, but his smile faded when he realized that he wasn’t the same Harry as he was back then. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. That was the same day that Simon delivered the good news on how One Direction was formed and how they got through boot camp. He remembered how happy the boys and he were. He remembered when Louis and him turned to each other and embraced each other.

Did he forget? No. It was basically etched onto his brain.

Did Louis forget? Probably.

 Harry snapped out of his trance with a wince, as he felt lukewarm water hit his cuts, the water dripping down his arm turning red at a quick time from all the dried blood on his pale skin. These cuts show the pain he goes trough. And that can’t do anything about it. Louis and he are never going to be the same again. And he wasn’t the only one that noticed. Zayn, Niall and Liam noticed how life was slowly being sucked out of Harry. And they don’t know what they can do.

 They tried talking to Louis about it, but he just shrugged it off, thinking nothing of it. And that’s what pissed Zayn off the most. How Louis can just shrug it off like it’s nothing important. How, he doesn’t notice the scars on Harry’s arms. Back when Louis and Harry used to be close, Louis would worry and fuss over something harmless that happens to Harry. And it would take him at least a day to calm down. And now, Louis doesn’t even notice that Harry was inching closer to death with how he was torturing himself. Other than that, Zayn felt... determined. He’s determined to make Harry happy again. To see the addicting smile on his lips. To make sure he doesn’t hurt Harry like Louis did. And he was determined... to make Harry his. 

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