" Why am I not allowed to call my children, may I know? "

Raghav was startled, not realising when Siddhi was out of the washroom and was standing right in front of him.

" Did any of them call? "
Raghav held the cigar tighter between the lips.

" I wish you knew your children a bit better Raghav.
Both of them are touchy. Way more than needed. We were the one who didn't care to inform them before leaving. Why would they care to.... "

" Do whatever you wish then, with your children. Because.. 'I don't know them even a bit', according to you. "
Raghav got up and left the living room .

Siddhi stood still.

Tears slipped down her cheeks.

Would she ever be able to disclose to anyone, the real reason of her anxiety, her stress, her depression?

Would she ever be able to declare, that the biggest weakness she's caught in was.....love?

Love, not for herself, not for her children, but for her husband....undying, devastating love?

Love, that led her to bear his weirdness, his madness, his guilt....and his lies.... even if that led her to discard her child's happiness, trampling it below her feet, completely...... ?

Why was she constantly pampering a man's unusual claims and demands from life? From his own bloods even?

Siddhi thrashed on the couch.

Was she, in the run of remaining an ideal, loving wife, proving to be the worst mother on earth?


Maya Raichand stood in the balcony of her cabin. It was four in the afternoon, and the sky was slowly turning pitch black.

Rains, tremendous ones.

An important meeting had just ended. She had asked for a half-an-hour-long no-disturbance.

The maid she had asked to keep an eye upon them at home, had just called.

Things weren't very calm back there mostly, but as per instructions, the maid was waiting before intervening. Maya had asked her not to intervene this time at all, just keep an eye that no one left the house before Maya returned.

A smirk crossed her face as she remembered the conversation a day back.

. . . .

" Some Som Shergil has come to visit you ma'am. " , the PA informed, at around seven in the evening, yesterday.

Frowning, Maya sat straight on her chair.
Som entered, with his usually idiotic body language, and settled before her. As if he was apprehensive of being eaten alive by her.

" Are we talking something? Or are you here to gape at my designer table? "

Som startled and stared, more embarrassed.

" Actually, Maya ma'am, I'm here with a... I mean....a...a...more of a request. "

" You know right, keeping requests aren't much of my ways. Still, you may try, since I've got some time to waste on you right now. "

" Errmm...

Actually....there's this widow who's got a baby....
Sonara Parvez. Yes, a Muslim.
But she's in grave danger. "

" So?
Several Muslims and several Hindus are in grave danger at this very moment. What can I do? " , Maya banged the glass table in rhythm.

" No actually, this woman, Sonara Parvez, is being helped by Jai for the past few months in several ways...and I too... "

Maya stopped banging the table.

" Jai. You mean, Jai Raichand.
Are you fucking kidding me, Som Shergil? "

" I am not!!
I know it's unbelievable but it's true, which means Jai is not tremendously an orthodox!
He's like you too...just that...

Anyways, I am Jai's friend and very much hate what he's doing these days. At the same time I wanna help Sonara. Jai won't anymore, he's gone mad suddenly with.... "

Maya moved forward on her chair, her eyes glittering.

" Sonara Parvez.
Jai Raichand.

May I know the whole story, Mr Som Shergil? "

After Som had narrated everything in detail, from Jai's meeting the poor woman on a stormy night, to their drifting apart and shit,
Maya heaved a sigh.

" I'll definitely help her, Som.
She's a delicately beautiful, and an intelligent woman. I've got the privilege to already meet her and her cute baby girl.

Anyways, how are Jai and Bhoomi doing? "

Som had kept mum for sometime, after which he'd uttered,
" They've broken up ma'am. "

Maya couldn't count butterflies in her stomach anymore.

. . . .

Rains. Devastating rains hit Mumbai.
Drenching Maya.
But she didn't move from the balcony to her cabin.

Raghav Raichand, you should not have messed with Maya.

With your own daughter.

You ruined her life, turned her heartbeats meaningless.

Now you wait and watch, Dad!

Your son, your ideal, your descendent, your follower, is soon going to give you the greatest blow in life.

Maya Raichand will make sure, that a Muslim, lower- middle- class, single mother, ruins your life, Dad....

As your....


The thunders ate back Maya's devastating laughter, but it soothed her to the core.


A long boring chapter without a tinge bit of hero heroine 😝 to freak you out.
Sowiee !!!

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