Chapter eight teen: Mother?

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I was following Olive down the long hallways.  She was running and puting both hands on the wall, she said it make her feel free.  I followed her, quietly, and I investigaited the room looking for stuff that was out of the ordinary.  I spotted something up ahead, it was probaly nothing.  But it is better to be safe than to be sorry.

"Olive, stop."  I whispered.  I looked at the wall, some thing was different, like wierd different.

"What, thats my room we will get my stuff later."  She glanced at it, so there was a secret passage.  I looked at it one last time and ran on my toes to catch up to her.  She lead me in to a larger hall way, with cages, there was rope hanging from the wall and a few muzzles.  This was where people would look for a dog, before it was shut down. 

"Just keep following me.  By the way why did Cassandra run, she never does that, she has never run from some one when she was about to kill them."  She whispered behind her, not looking back at me.  She kept her gase strait ahead, skimming the hall ways for danger.  I don't know what she was looking for but it couldn't have been good.

"I don't really know."  I said, I didn't know why she ran, but I did know that she knew something that I didn't know. That is bad,  she could use it to her advantage and hurt Olive, or even kill her.  She is my olny blood relitive. I mean thats not much, but I would like to have at least one blood relitive.  Every one else has a whole lot.

"You didn't answer my question."  She sounded a bit frusterated.  Then she sighed, "You really don't know do you."

"I'll tell you  the important things later, right now is no time, we have to- well kill Cassandra.  I guess, there is no other way she would just break out of jail. And no one can know about our kind."  I ran ahead of her, we were in a room of some sort, I had no idea what to do now.  I guess we would go on until we found Cassandra, or until she found us.  I guess we could also just wait for her, have a stake out.

"No stop, she could have set traps, stop!"  She called out, I didn't listen, of course.  I stepped on something, and sprung a trap.  Boy I was danger prone.  I was stuck in a trap.  Cassandra walked out, slowly, but surely.  She smiled,  like she was a kid in a candy shop.  She just gazed around and her eyes wandered to me.  Her eyes pierced in to my brain, as if she was trying to implant something in my head to make me just like her.  I returned her stare, and regected the implantment.  I wouldn't be for it at all.

"You would kill your own mother, would you now?"  She looked at me and cocked her head.

"What do you mean, I have no mother, only a sister."  I looked at her, was she my mother, that would explain why Olive was on the bad side.  Olive looked at me. "Olive I am your sister, but is she really my mother?"  I knew it sounded like it was from one of those corny movies, but I had no time to think about it.

"She is my mother.  I was told I had no sister."  She looked from me to her mother, then stuck her tounge out at her.

"I didn't until recently, I had escaped the pound, and had you- why am I explaining, you need to be dead. You too."  She pointed at Olive.  and started muttereing.  She was going to shoot a light ball at her.  I hissed and turned in to a dog.  The trap was programed to catch a human not a dog, so it dropped me on to the cold, stone floor.  I jumped up and turned in to a human again and made a force field and jumped in front of Olive.

She had shot the ball just as I got there, so there was no stopping it after she threw it.  Now she was just waisting energy, then she threw out more.  Not relising I was in front with a force field.  I Grabbed Olive's arm and ran, under the cover of smoke.  When she looked after the smoke cleared we were gone.

ThundermercyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora