CHAPTER SIX: hackers

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I was so glad that today was the day that I would get my test done to see exactly what percent magic-maker I was.  I hoped that I could learn some magic today after that.

  Later that night, we would hack into the store's files and see their costumers.  We might be on the news, but we had to do it anyway, whether we wanted to be public or not! We would get every one of the customers who bought those pants, until they did something suspicious.  We would catch them in the act if they did.  It would be a miracle if this worked.

I was extremely exited today, I was testing for magic, and I would find out exactly what percentage magic-maker that I was.  I doubted that Christina was right and that I had 50%, but if I was, I would be super exited.  However, once I was in the cage, I started doubting myself, I probably wasn't magic at all; If I was, it wouldn't be very much, would it?

"Jake what percentage do you think I am magic maker?" I asked him.  Jake looked at the wall, he wasn't that happy that I was talking to him at this moment, but I couldn't really tell, there were mixed emotion signals coming from him.

"I don't know." Jake answered flatly.  Jake ignored my stare at him and continued looking at the wall, then switched his gaze to me for a second, but dicided that the floor was better.  He started kicking his shoe into the dirt like a gradeschooler does when he tells a girl he likes them.

As we walked silently, without a word to the agency, I started wondering.  What if it was a big mistake and I wasn't magic-maker at all.  As we walked through the gigantic, looming doors, I glanced over, seeing everyone's stares boring into my head.  Everyone knew; they knew that I was being tested.  I picked up my pace and started running as I got to the hallway, although that attracted way more peoples' attention I didn't care I wanted to get to the office and have people stop looking at me.

.  When I got to the office, where I was to wait until I was tested, I sobbed, this was different, I didn't like it. Frankly I don't think I wanted to do the mission anymore, it seemed so hard.  Steaming tears streaked down my face in random patterns.  I tried to make as little noise as possible, but I failed once again.  Clearly if it was too hard to cease making noise while crying then how is taking on a whole mission going to be easy!

"Kira, please come in." said a soft voice.  I stood up and went to the office, wiping my eyes quickly.  I plopped down on the seat as all of my troubles regressed.  I heard her give the directions on how to test me.  I was so absorbed in listening, that I didn't realize that Flory was giving me notes.

"Can you even understand what is written hereor does it just look like a whole different language?" Flory handed me the notes, I didn't understand why they would look like another language, I was clearly english, maybe this was a part of the test, that would be stupid though.

 After a while of looking at it Flory began to tap her foot, she was annoyed, "Can you read it or not Kira it is as simple as that, if you can't just say that you can't"  She was still tapping  her foot, and I could sence the irritation in her voice.

I looked up, confused "It's not gibberish! It is written in english, that was a rediculous test."  I said, probably sharper than I had meant to.  Flory's jaw dropped slightly, and she shook her head.

  "You're lying,"  she replied flatly. She stared at me, as if she was saying I can't belive you would lie to someone in the face.

I growled "No I am not, it is directions on how to do the magic test, I don't know what language you read but I read english and this is english."  I pointed to the words, it clearly said in big letters on the top that they were the directions.

  Flory rolled her eyes "no it doesn-" she was cut off by Kristina.

Kristina signaled me "Come back here" she said quickly, I walked away, so that Flory didn't have the chance to say that I was lying again.  Kristina signalled me to sit down.  "Well you already know what I'm going to do, this will pinch if you move a lot." she cautioned, she took a poky thing out and took out some blood; when she had the blood, she put it in a small cup in her machine and the numbers started going up immediately.  A few minutes later, I passed out, and frankly, I think that Flory and Kristina were just as surprised as I was.  With a small puff of steam, the machine's numbers were done, it read 100%, thats when I passed out.

i woke up in my room, Jake, Flash, Kristina, and Flory all sitting around me.  "you passed out seeing the numbers. I almost did too for that matter."  Kristina informed me with a crisp look on her face that said it was not a dream, it really happened. 

I shook my head "so wait, I'm 100% magic-maker!?" I said, surprised, watching everyone else's faces.  Their eyes looked down slightly, and Flory had a slightly sour look on her face, but eventually it deciphered as she became less jealous.

Jake and Flash looked at me curiously "really? your a full blood?" they said simotaniously, then saw that I didn't know what that meant "full magic maker" said jake.

then a thought surged in to my head. what about my parents? what were they? where they good or bad? did they use their powers?  all of these thoughts popped in to my head, and all at once so did a massive headache.  i staggered off of my bed and went to the bathroom for some medicine.  the headache needed to be gone. tonight we were hacking in to the stores information.  i needed to be healthy.

After that, I made everyone leave the room except Jake, he could just crawl out through the hole in the wall.  I started to fall asleep, thinking about what I was going to do tonight.  My eyes slowly closed, as sleep overtook me.

In a few hours, I was awoken by Jake shaking me "its time to go" he said softly.  My head had stopped throbbing, and I knew that the sleep had been a good idea.  We were at the store where the theif had shopped, and would soon get everyones phone number and bug them.  It probably wouldn't work, but we had to try!

As the night progressed, I made an invisibility spell.  We would use the spell so that we wouldn't be spotted; at first, it worked pretty well, but it would have to do, even when it faltered.  I didn't have time to make another.  When we got to an alley close to it, I casted the spell, and when we did, we heard voices.

The voice was angry, annoyed "no i won't, i will not! They were just innocent chilren! We won't kill them.  I'm sure that they won't realize what the torn fabric's significance is.  We won't kill then, cassandra!" A man attempted to whisper yell.

A different, more feminine voice growled "no they do, they sent the dog in, the send it in, dimwit!" she said a little bit softer, but she was still easier to hear.

I knew that I couldn't talk, or they would hear us "time to cast the spell" I whispered in their heads, using teleplathy.  I remembered that the spell didn't work perfectly, they might still be able to see us.

"stay here." i whispered to them, where ever they were, "i'm going to get a look at them."  as i went closer i could see their shadows.  i made out the silhouette of the woman, it was the same one. the man was probably the same too, but i wasn't sure.  i went in closer.  and they started walking out of the alley. the man she called dimwit walked in to me.

"umm is there any one here, i just walked in to something, or someone?" the dimwit said looking around for a person.  i held my breath.

The dimwit took a cautious step backwards "is there someone in front of me?" "No you idiot, said the pretty brunette.  "watch where your going!" she said, then sighed.  I ran back to my team and frowned, "lets get out of here NOW!" no one arugued, and I wasn't surprised.

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