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 Kristina started explaining.

" well a long while ago, Flory was the same, exept she was not evil,  I mean not saying that she is now, it just comes out at bad times, it's kind of like a bad temper, any ways,  a long while ago-" she was interupted before she could finish, by Flory.  I wasn't really suprised, I mean it was her life she could tell her story, but at the same time I might have wanted to hear it from Kristina, sometimes a bystanders view is better. 

Flory started talking, very soft at first "I think that I can tell it best, I was there and it was my life,"  She paused and looked down at her wrists, there was nothing there.  She looked very sad, like she might just break down and cry for days.

Flory, a small tear escaping her, added "I was younger, but I looked like this, I always have.  I lived with my brother, and I got sick, so sick that I died in my brrother's arms, my last words were to my brother, It's too late for pennissilan, and I died in his arms.  When I died, I was given a choice, I could return to earth, or I could stay in hell forever.  I was so angry when I got back, I hated the world for all that it had done for me, and that is when I realized that he had tricked me, my choice had been to return evil, or stay good in hell forever.  I found my brother, twenty years later, and he said that I was a ghost, I got so angry, so furious, that I killed him." she paused "I killed my own brother!" She was sobbing, but once she gained her composure, she continued "Instantly after that, my anger was transformed into sorrow, I sulked down the street, and when Kristina found me, she knew that I was...... not normal.  She brought me in, but I was sobbing, I wanted my brother back, and all I wanted was to be me again." she finished

Christina decided to finish Flory's story. "I brought her in, and I knew wha she needed, I brought her to my office, and we met with a time-seer.  She knew what to do, and she told me that she would never be the same, and that she could not hold the evil back forever, there would be times when it would take over when she got angry.  She became nicer and more normal, but she wasn't perfect.  She ran up to her brother's friend one day, hugging him, because he had been a good friend.  He screamed at her, he had seen her kill her brother.  She stabbed him, angry for screaming, because she felt like she wasn't a freak and wasn't really something to scream at, and that was when we realized what the time-seer had meant.  It will happen forever, unless we can find a better cure.

Flory frowned until she saw Jake, "are you okay?!" Flory knew that he wasn't, but I figured that he was okay, until he stopped breathing.  I screamed, losing my composure "No, Jake, you can't die, I won't let you, I saved you, and you don't have any more chances!  I was sobbing, but I didn't care, my composure slipped, and I would never gain it again if Jake died.

he looked at me, and i knew what he was thinking, he loved me. I HAD to save him, i couldn't let him die.  i silently wispered a prayer, and did the only spell i knew that could help, healer hands, I summoned energy out of others, and i put it on him, he couldn't die, i saw his body shivering. and i found the wound, she had hurt him more than i thought, she had hit his liver, and it expoded, i had to fix this, i had to.  i was thinking,  i could..... go back in time, and change where he was shot. I had to it was his only chance.

He stared at me, and somehow, I knew what he was thinking.  He loved me, and I had to save him, there was no way that I would let him die.  I silently whispered a prayer, hoping that it would help.  I summoned energy out of the others, and I put it on him.  He couldn't die, I wouldn't let him.  I saw his body shake, and I knew that he was seriously injured.  This was his only chance.

It was okay, he was going to survive, the spell worked, other than a hole in Jake's wall.  I hugged him with all of my joy in one spot.  I didn't tell anyone what happened, even though eventually they would all figure out.  I laughed, only I would know what really happened, and I wasn't going to tell.

"Kyra?" asked Jake from behind me. "yes" I answered shakily.  "would you like to go out with me?"  I blushed "yes, I would, and you owe me nothing at all" I said, taking his hand.

What did we miss, said Flash, looking at our hands?" We pulled out hands apart.  disregarding Flash's question, I added "I guess we could go out and gather some clues" I said exitedly.  "ME" said everyone at the same time." I laughed, glad to avoid Flash's quesion.

When I saw that the others had followed me, I waited for them to come down, and started running.  Jake stopped me quickly "where should we go first? The werehouses, I think that we should go to the warehouse on Snow Mountain, the only one that hasn't been robbed at this area.  I nodded "wait, I need to go put a leash on, and you can pretend to walk me, it will seem less suspicious.  I slipped behind an oak tree, and I shifted into a dog.  I came back, and Jake and me ran away once again.

Once we got there, I could see that their was a commotion, there was a woman screaming, I paused, I knew that voice, I heard it a long time ago, but I didn't know where.  I knew that it was stupid, but I ran top-speed, barking, and I got under the tape and ran to the woman and picked off a piece of her pants.  I ran outside again, whimpering, then I ran to Flory and gave her the scrap.

The woman that I knew from somewhere asked flory angrily "Is that your dog?" Flory nodded "I'm so sorry, I guess she got exited, said Flory, glaring at me.  Jake laughed at the idea "I suppose so"

As Jake walked away, I saw a man with a dog who was missing a patch of fur on her leg, just like on the lady's pants.  In an instant, I knew who whe was.  That must be the lady who robbed the wherehouse.  I made sure that she couldn't see me, and bolted away with the rest of the group.

"the dog is that lady that robbed the place, i ripped her pants and the dog was missing some fur, and she canges clothes every time so know one makes a connection." i blurted out as soon as i wasn't in dog form.

I ran to my friends and as soon as I shifted to human form, I growled "That dog is the woman the robbed the warehous, she is a shape-shifter.  She changes clothes every time so that no one makes a connection!" I blurted out quickly.

" i figured the dog had something to do with it but i had no idea, and how do you know. Oh well you always know, and i guess you allways will know. But how did you figure that, thats just amazing." Flory exclaimed almost as soon as i said it.

Flory smiled her amazing, huge smiled "you are amazing, how did you know that! I guess you'll always know more than us, Kyra, I wouldn't want you to be anyone else!"

When I got home, I slipped onto my dog bed and fell asleep almost as soon as I did.

I was annoyed to wake up, all I wanted to do was sleep more, but it was almost time for Austine (the redhead) to leave with her mother Karin, and her brother, Dakota.  I jumped up, and realized that I had to get in the crate.  I growled, and thought I have so much to tell, and the others do too.  It's going to be a long day!!

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