Chapter 1: A letter

Start from the beginning

The day passed by as usual, customers came and went, Bianca flirted with Lord Bashmit, the wealthiest man in the city. He always rejected her efforts in the end, and I had to hold in my laugh for her attempt. She was in a tight fit dress, heels, makeup caked all over her face. She sorted reminded me of a clown, only with tons of jewelry and a tight outfit instead of a big red nose. Lord Bashmit has one son, and his name is Henry. Henry comes in at a whopping 6'10. How do I know? It's because he always brags about it. He has broad shoulder, and I may even consider having a crush on him. The only problem is he is a complete and utter dunce. If I had a nickel for every brain cell he had, I would be broke. Bianca leaves, obviously in rage because her amazing attempt to woo him went wrong. I finally let out my laugh. Ah it felt good to laugh like this. I check the clock on the wall, and realize it is closing time. I sigh, and brush my hands on the towel behind the counter. I walk towards the door, and put the closed sign up. I shut off all the lights, take my apron off, and run out the back towards my favorite spot in this entire pathetic town.

I say down of the hill in front of the wheat field. They stretched for miles, and on top laid the sun, setting over the horizon. Beautiful pinks oranges blues and purples decorated the sky. The peace full setting made me so relaxed. I laid on my back, closed my eyes, and allowed my thoughts to wander. I don't know how long I was sitting there, minutes, and hour.I was interrupted by a high pitched annoying voice of only one person, Charlotte.

"Well well well, look at what we have here. The freak is sitting on the hill" says Charlotte. Charlotte was the most popular girl in the entire village. At the age of 17, her dad was one of the wealthiest men here. She had fans who agreed with her every move, Lily included, following behind her at all times. It was like puppies following there new owner. I sigh, sit up and open my eyes. I noticed the sun had almost complete set, meaning it was 6:00.

"Ah, what can I do for you today Charlotte" I say, not bothering to look at her. I pull my legs to my chest, and hugged them. I didn't want my time here to be wasted by Charlotte, and I knew it was almost up. I had to go home and cook dinner for everyone.

"Seems the freak can talk" says a girl behind Charlotte. I believe her name was Veronica, or something along that line.

"I wonder where you got that idea from" I say sarcastically. I stand up, and face the 7 girls standing there.

"How dare you" Veronica retorts. I stifle a laugh at her petty nature, when I feel a puff of air hit the side of my face.

"Huh, what was that" asks Charlotte. With a swift movement, she turns her head to the side, and her mouth falls open. Curious, I turn to see a beautiful read and gold dragon standing in front of us. Charlotte and her friends instantly start screaming their heads off while I just stare.

"Hello" I say

"You are not afraid of me young one" the dragon asks curiously

"Do you have a reason why I should be" I ask while I tilt my head to one side

"No, I do not" the dragon replies

"Then why should I be scared of you" I ask again. When the dragon doesn't reply, I give it a smile.

"I am a Messenger Dragon from the high priest. I have a note for the village chief, but I can not find him. I need someone to take my note to him" says the dragon. Charlotte stops screaming with her friends, and walks up to the dragon.

"I am Charlotte Elizabeth Mcqueriel. The daughter of Charles James (A/N James Charles anyone) Mcqueriel, the richest man in this village, I shall take the letter to the village chief" she says as if she hadn't been screaming like a lunatic only moments before. She tries to reach for the letter that is tied to the dragon's claw, but he moves his claw and Charlotte falls on her face. I hold in my laugh as Charlotte angrily gets up.

"Hey, I said I am going to take the letter" says Charlotte

"But I do not choose you" says the dragon calmly.

"What" Charlotte screeches "But I am Charlotte Eliza-"She is cut off my the dragon begins to speak.

"I choose you" says the dragon. He is point his snout at me.

"Me" I ask shocked as I point to my chest

"Yes you" he says again. I tentatively take a step forward and when the dragon doesn't move, I walk towards it's paw. I gently untie the letter, then walk back up the hill so I am facing the dragon once again.

"Thank you young one" the dragon says. With that, he takes off, and everything returns to normal. Charlotte lunges for the letter, and me still in shock, lets her get her grubby hands on it. She pulls it away from my light graps, and opens it.

"Hey, we need to get that to the village chief" I say

"Aren't you a little curious" she asks. She reads the letter with her friends behind her. 5 minutes pass and I grow impatient.

"Can I at least read it" I ask

"You have 2 minutes" she scowls. I take the letter and start to read the page.

Dear Villager of Fawan,

Tomorrow at exactly noon the choosing ceremony for Dragon Academy will happen. Dragon from the royal guard will come to pick up the 8 new students. 4 girls and 4 boys. All children of ages 16-18 are forced to join. Meet in the town square for the choosing.

    Note you will only pick 6 of the children, 3 girls and 3 boys. We will pick the last 2. We will choose who we see fit.

    Make sure the children dress their best. All need, such as clothing bathroom stuff, will be taken care of.

        -Dragon High Priest

Once my two minutes are up, Charlotte snatches the paper away from me, and proceeds to walk with her fan group through the town to the Village Chief. I sigh and quickly make my way back to the house, knowing since I was 2 minutes late I would get scolded by Bianca. I had to prepare dinner for everyone, then go to bed. I reached the brass doorknob, and the cool metal felt weird on my hand since it had just been surrounded by warm late summer night air. You tentatively open the door, to see Bianca tapping her foot on the wooden floor of the bakery with her arms crossed, waiting for me.

"Where were you" she hisses at me.

"I am sorry Bianca, I had something hold me up" I apologize. After 12 years I learned that it was better not to argue with Bianca, she was a very stubborn women. It could have been a good trait if used properly, like in a debate, but she used it all wrong. Like her never ending procedure win over Lord Bashmit's heart

"I do not want to hear your excuses, you shall be given less food tomorrow, now go, get, make dinner" she shoos me up the steps to the kitchen. After making a dish consisting of pasta vegetable, and a white sauce, I set the table and give everyone a portion. Once I am done with that time consuming task I run upstairs to the comfort of my own room. I change into my night clothes, blow out the oil lamp, and slip under the sheet I was given on my so called mattress, and feel into a deep slumber.

Wow, this is a long first chapter. 2285 words. I really hope you enjoyed this. I will try to update once every 2-3 days. This may have to change as school starts up again, so I am sorry if I am late on any updates. I will let you know when my schedule becomes exact and what will work for me to give you guys actually good quality chapters not just mush put together. Anyway, if you read this, I am proud of you. Goodbye for now.

-The Wizard Cactus

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