Chapter 1 - Beauty and a Lifesaver

Start from the beginning

I met these girls on the internet that mean the whole world to me. I know I've never officially met them because of money issues, but that doesn't matter. They also live on different parts of the world. Ones in Australia and the others in America, I live in America also but she's on the other side. California is always so hot and I wanna get away sometimes. Mostly because everyone thinks they're the Hollywood next big thing. They think they're so cool in California. I never even got to see any famous people my whole life except when I was in Colorado visiting my grandparents with my mother, we saw the Beatles. I didn't even know them when I went, I just didn't want to be alone with my grandparents. But that doesn't count because it was in Colorado. I miss Colorado.


I'm woken by my loud alarm clock at 6:30am.

I gently push the covers off and step out of bed, tucking my sheets in and laying the blanket back over the bed.

I slump into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Pulling my wavy hair into a high bun and step into the shower. I let the water hit my back as I reach for the body wash.

"Kathrine, breakfast!" Hearing my mothers voice through the drops of water hitting against the tub.

I grab my towel and rush to my closet. It's 7:00. I have to be at school in an hour.

I slip a red tank top that hangs over my stomach and has white flower print on the shirt. None of my jeans are clean and all I find is black leggings. Oh well. I decide against myself and as soon as I do I'm already slipping my leggings on.

"Katrina!" My mother yells again. Can she not pick a name? She calls me Kathrine when she's serious and Katrina when she's not. Kathrine is my real name and my friends call me Katrina or Kat.

I walk down the steps with my bag over my shoulder.

"Ready for your first day back?" she smiles placing eggs on a plate.

I'm so not ready, I just wanna slump back to bed. Usually I'm up and ready, I love school. I was an A plus student freshman, sophomore, junior year, but now senior. I'm gonna be welcoming everyone back. Liam, Niall, Alicia. they are my best friends. Liam of all friends, he has acted as if more than friends at some points. He flirts with me when nobody is aroun-

"Kathrine?" She interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh sorry, of course I'm ready, it's senior year!" I lie. I sit down at the table and finish my eggs and bacon off.

"I'm going to be in sixth grade!" Alex, my brother looks at me.

He's grown so fast!

"I know! You're going to get all the pretty ladies!" I please making him blush.

"Not on my watch!" My father walks in.

My father, Police Chief James Welth of the LA Police Department, is not around much because he's always busy.

"Dad!" I yalp. I jump up and run to the door and hug him.

"Hey sweetheart, you better have fun at school because your gonna miss the bus!" He opens the door.

I pull on both of my black leather boots and tie them, and grab my leather jacket from the rack.

"Bye!" I rush out the door as my father closes it behind me.

I see Liam waiting where the bus usually takes me to school, as I see the bus ride away.

"Oh my god!" I groan looking at the disappearing bus.

"Don't worry about it, I have a car!" Liam rushes to me.

Liam is a lifesaver right now. he's always there when I need him.

"You look beautiful." He compliments.

"Thanks!" I reply walking towards his red car. As we get in the car he turns on the radio and presses the button the make the top of the car go down. Goodbye lovely curls in my hair.


"Everyone please take your seats." Mr Sanz asks the class. Liam and I take the front row just as always and I take out my notebook.


By lunch time Liam is walking with me to find a seat. As we come across to this round table with Alicia and Niall talking. we take a seat as they greet us.

"I've been really thinking about joining my favorite television show Naked and Afraid." I look at Alicia and Niall.

"Oh wow we knew you were gonna do something stupid like that with this television show, but joining it? this is to crazy!" Niall shouts.

Is it crazy?

"I want to, I think I will." I convince them even myself mostly.

The thought of being out there with no food, water, clothes just gives me the shivers.

"You'd be naked!" Liam looks at me,

"I know but I don't care, they would be too." I look back to Liam.

"True, but Kat I don't want you to be hurt." Liam looks down at his feet.

"I think it's a great idea!" Alicia blurts.

I find it confusing that she'd agree with me, but I don't care honestly. I smile at her and nod.

"I don't think you could do it." Niall challenges.

"Wanna bet?" I smile at his challenge.

"You're on!" Niall pushes.

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