Chapter 18

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The particular blonde rose early with the morning sun. She was tempted to give the Shelby's a taste of their own medicine, holding her back on her day off. But she thought better of it. She won't need them much longer if she can get all new identification papers. As she brushed through the wild curls, her mind filtered to the friendships that have very quickly been established. Esme and her gorgeous gypsy children had quickly become her scape goat when life became too much during a particular moment. Ada with her reassuring calmness and the beautiful Karl. Not to mention the way little Charlie's face would light up as he wobbled over to her on his still soft legs. The dynamic between herself and Polly had grown stronger and more solidified, the women turning even more into a mother like figure with her constant scolding and warming love. It almost made Ella regret her upbringing. But then the blonde would shake her head and pinch herself. This life is nothing but fool's gold. No family was perfect. This one, the farthest from it. And yet a small pain in her chest would erupt at the thought of Michael coming to collect her in the morning for work only to find her and her small collections of belongings long gone. Could she find the strength to abandon the only people who have shown her kindness? Even if it was in their own twisted way?

It was halfway through her riot of thoughts that she noticed the stunning white dress draped lazily over a dining table chair. The exact one that was stolen from the seamstress shop the day before. Ella's heart sped a little as she guiltily thought of actually wearing it. The guilt turned to determination as she thought of how the boy had treated her. With complete and utter disrespect. Boiling blood forced the pretty white dress over her head and the soft material flouted around her ankles. It softly brushed her feet reminding her of how Arthur and John would softly pat her head as they would pass by her. The heat in the apartment became almost suffocating.

Ella decided to stand in the morning's fresh breeze until Michael came. She let the wind creep up the sleeves of her coat and whisper against her skin. An eruption of goose bumps followed its trail. She noticed him before he saw her thin frame leant against the front wire-link fence that surrounded the front of her apartment building. It wasn't until he noticed the specific outfit that was peaky out from underneath a plum coat that a genuine smile graced his flawless yet tired face. Unknown to Ella, he had spent a good portion at Tommy's with the other boys at a somewhat family meeting where they discussed the blonde.

Once he was closer she pushed herself from the old fence and headed in his direction. Meeting him roughly five houses down from her apartment, she greeted him with an over the top smile. He sniggered under his breathe at her futile attempts to appear cheery on the Monday morning.

About a quarter of the way to work as the duo passed the sketchiest stretch of town, Michael's arm moved from her elbow to the small of her back where it sat for a few moments. Then, slowly it slid against her lower back until it was at the opposite side of her waist. As Ella adjusted to his possessive hold, he swiftly pulled her to him until her hip was flush wish his.

Then for the rest of the walk to work he drew circles of delight against the soft skin of her waist. It trailed in sparks even through the fabric of her dress. She didn't move from his comfortable hold until they were at the doors of the Betting Shop on Watery Lane. Something between them had changed. There were more tensions in the air that fizzled when they were close. The small kiss that they had shared was played on a loop in the back of Michael's head.

For the next four hours, Ella worked hard at making the books balance. Lizzie had tried her hardest but her mathematics skills were nowhere near the level of Ella or even Michael.

The shop had gotten more and more quiet with every passing hour and Ella felt like she could work outside on the big table in the centre of the room. All the boys, Lizzie and Ada had left for the day. It was only Esme and herself.

"You know what. They have taken you on a lot faster than they did with me." Esme mumbled to the blonde, a little bitterness in her voice.

Ella looked up to the brunette gypsy, surprised by the abrupt end to the calm silence.

"What do you mean?" She replied with a quirked brow.

Esme shook her head with a light smile on her face, "they would barely register me as a person. Perhaps because I was a gypsy? But then again, they come from gypsy bloodline." After a moment of reflection, she continued. "Actually it was probably because their reputation was at an all-time low. Now though, we aren't at our strongest. And they have welcomed you with open eyes."

Ella looked down at her hand that clasped the pen in her hand. It was clear where Esme was going with this.

"Is this a warning?" Ella whispered with a sparkle in her eyes.

Esme reflected the same kind of excitement, "no. Just an observation."

And with that, the brunette gypsy clasped her palms together in a ringing clap. Her face morphing into a bright smile. "Now. Let's teach the newest Lee a little bit of Romani."

The stack of calculations and balance sheets were roughly pushed aside as Ella's thrive for knowledge ignited. Ella knew of many things, science, maths and even religion. But language was her biggest strength, she knew four languages – English, Italian, French and German. To make it five sent a shiver of delight through her.

"Okay to begin with..." and then the two girls dived into a world of gypsy. Ella was quick to learn, her face truly alight with happiness that only made Esme love her even more. It was true that she had everyone in the palm of her hand.

Then, all of a sudden, the door swung open and Michael re-entered. Her cheeks flushed at the sight of him, it made her think the way that he had been protective of her recently.

He gave the two girls a dazzling bright smile, it looked so unusual for his normally angry face. Esme almost fell from her chair from the random display of happiness.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but could I please steal Ella for a while?" While the tone was light-hearted and formed into a question. It wasn't looking for an answer. He looked expectantly at Ella to move to his awaiting and outstretched palm.

Ella stood a slipped on her long coat before slowly interlacing her hand in Michael's. His grip went tight as he pulled her through the shop. Just before she slipped from sight, Ella looked back at the gypsy.

Esme replied with a quick wink.


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