Chapter 13

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Forbidden Love

It took Ada a while to track the boys down, but then again all she had to do was search for the nearest bar.

The glossy door stood proudly on the east wall. The large letters across the glass window read, "Gentleman's Bar." The brunette didn't even falter as she stormed in. Everyone shifted to watch the oncoming girl, apparently she had missed the "No Women" sign.

"Oi you girl, out of here. Men only." The bartender called out.

Ada gave a glance at him in annoyance before turning and focusing on the group of Shelby's in the corner.

Of course this is where they would be. She thought. Leave the girls to do all the work. As usual.

She approached the table of giddy Shelby's. Each had a big glass of deep, dark Irish whiskey. For a moment she took in her family, eyes roaming. Ada realised that the dynamic they had would last forever, perhaps they were the closest family in England. They loved hard, got angry quickly and shivered with excitement. That's what a Shelby was, what they would always be. Michael over the last few years had seamlessly become one of them. His last name may be Gray but he is more Shelby than bloody Finn. It brought the smallest of smiles to her face.

The bar was set out with curled booths and scattered tables, unusual but most likely an American adaptation. It had wall length mirrors and golden chandeliers that hung low from the sculpted ceiling. In a way it was a masterpiece of a room. Just enough darkness to ad d mood and silence. And the right amount of gold to show wealth.

John childishly piped up, "Aye Ada, didn't you hear him. No girls in here."

Arthur joined him in laughter, Tommy sat with an amused smirk and Michael stared deeply at her with furrowed brows.

"Alright calm down boys." Tommy hummed over his glass.

Michael slightly pushed his glass away from him drawing her attention, "Where's Ella?"

Rolling her eyes, "Safe." Then she turned to address the full group. "Tommy, your plans out the window. Scrapped. Ella has a new one." She waited for the anger that was surely about to explode from their leader. It was so silent in the group that you could have heard a pin drop to the marble.

He stood angrily, his fisted hands coming down hard against the table. "Where is she. I'll wring her neck."

Ada took half a step back, wary of her brother's uncontrollable anger. He had become more violent since Grace's death. More aggressive. Arthur stood after him reaching a hand out to Tommy, he gave him a light push against the chest. Arthur's voice was low, but steady, "She has a reason, brother. She isn't one to play around."

John scoffed, "Yeah sure. How long have we known her?"

"Long enough. She is a good person." Michael came to the absent blonde's defence. The growing relationship between them as noticeable to everyone.

Tommy grabbed him by his suite collar and pulled him close, "Yeah a good girl who killed her fucking family." Then Tommy struck his finger to the Michael's chest. "You remember that."

Ada moved between the boys, forcing Tommy to release him. She laid a reassuring hand to his shoulder. "She is so smart. She wouldn't change the plan unless she found a better way. Come on, we have to meet her in the upstairs toilets."

With quick swigs of what was left of the whiskey, they were on their way.


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