Chapter 9

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Holy shit how long has it been since I uploaded?? Sorry about the lack of activity here guys. I've been having some family problems recently and i had to take some time off to focus on myself. I'm not gonna promise anything because i know that I most likely won't follow through with it😅. Anyways please enjoy the chapter!!!

"What are you waiting for?" the man asks. "Move!" He roughly pushes me forward and I lose my footing, falling face first on to the hard concrete. My cheek scrapes the ground and blood leaks out on my already bloody shirt.
Instead of helping me up, the man only scowls at me and angrily tells me to get up. His partner doesn't say anything. He only looks ahead when I look at him sadly. I stand up with difficulty. Mostly due to the handcuffs tightly placed on my wrists. Once I'm up we continue walking towards the big white building. Even though my back is to the cars, I can still see the bright blue and red lights from the many police cars behind us. I know they're just waiting for me to mess up. To try to run so they can shoot me and not have to worry about me anymore.

My dad told me that police use guns to protect us. I never once thought that the cops would have to protect anyone from me.

We walk inside the building and a tall man with a long white coat walks towards us. He smiles down at me and I want to run away from him.

"Is this her?" He asks. The mean officer nods and pushes me towards the man. He smiles down at me kindly. "It's nice to meet you Adeline."
We stand in silence as the main waits for me to say something back to him.

"Is she mute?" He asks looking worried.
"No, her brothers said that she can talk. She just hasn't said a word since we brought her into custody."

   "I see," the man hums. He puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes slightly. I watch the two men exchange nervously. Where am I?

"Careful, she's a feisty one. The little bitch almost bit my finger off," he grunts.
Without thinking, I make a biting motion and smirk at him. The officer doesn't think it's very funny and raises his fist to punch me. Before he can though, the man in the white coat stops him from hitting me. When the officer glares at him, he only smiles.

"I'm sorry Officer, but I'd rather you wouldn't attack my patient."
Something about his tone scares me. It is meant to sound friendly but I can tell that he's dead serious. The officer grunts but lowers his hand. "Now then," the man says. "I will handle things from here. You gentleman may leave."
As soon as the words leave his mouth a large bald man in a white uniform walks towards us. He doesn't say anything as he takes my arm and begins to drag me away. I look at the officers helplessly. Where am I going? Who are these people? I try to voice my questions but they refuse to leave. I begin to panic and start to cry silently. The bald man doesn't pay me any attention as he throws me into a plain white room. There's only a bed, a desk, and a single window that shows the bright full moon. It is the only thing that lights up the dark room. I sit in a far corner sobbing in my hands. I want my mommy and daddy back. I want Alex and Jason back. I wanna go home.
As I sit there crying, I can only think one thing. I didn't do it. I didn't kill my parents. I just have to wait for Alex and Jason to come get me and I can tell them what happened. I just have to wait for them. I know they'll come soon.



I stare intensely at Alex.

I can't wrap my head around the fact that he wants to tell me about our parents. Sure they have mentioned them a few times while I've been here, but the way Alex says it sounds so serious, scares me a little.

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