Alfred rose from his bed and walked over to the window. The last of the slush was drainin away, sinking into the ground. Dead green poked through whatever white was left in the lawns of fellow neighbours. New shoots of grass were breaking the Earth's skin, the trees were beginning to show the buds of new leaves. Alfred opened the window, he took a deep breath; the world felt new. A small smile ghosted Alfred's lips. The sun poked out from behind a cloud, its rays of light finally giving warmth.

Alfred, for once, felt ready to say goodbye.


"So you're. . . Trying for a relationship?" Alfred couldn't make heads or tails out of Jordan's words. First, Jordan claims he hates his ex-dormmate due to his sexual conduct and lack of respect for Jordan's privacy, now he's telling Alfred that the allegedly hated ex-dormmate was actually a pining dude who hadn't been able to get over Jordan? And that they were going to see if they were compatible by dating? Alfred shook his head. "I'm gonna be honest, Jordan, dude, that sounds like a really rushed romantic fanfic."

Jordan had the decency to blush lightly. "Yeah, well, sometimes things like this happen. ." He cleared his throat, but stayed silent, then he cleared his throat again. "Listen, I get that this was rushed, but I can't deny that I haven't thought about having a relationship with someone; Jonathan's the closest I've ever been with someone, I've known him the longest. I just--" he struggled to find the right words, "I just want to see how we mix, how we adapt to each other. I'm not perfect, I can't even tell if whatever it is I'm feeling when I'm near him is actually love or not, but-- damn it!-- I want to try. I want to figure this out, and I'm not going to figure it out by myself. I can't tackle feelings and emotions the same way I can tackle a math problem or a thesis; I just end up in a worse tangled mess than in the beginning. I need help, and Jon's offering to help. We're not even really official, we want to see if we even fit for each other."

Alfred chuckled to himself, reaching out to muss up Jordan's hair, like a parent does to a child. "I'm just glad you could patch things back up with him. From the few classes I had with him, Jonathan seemed like a pretty cool guy. Whatever happens, I hope you guys can get through it."

Jordan huffed a little and roughly fixed his hair before looking at Alfred. He smiled and muttered a quiet "Thanks" before looking to the side, watching people milling around campus. His smile dropped. "What happens now, Al? You just gonna up and leave once the semester's out?"

Alfred sighed and watched the college students walk around. Someone had just stepped into a muddy puddle when he spoke. "I suppose so. I've been neglecting some stuff lately, due to all the extra work I had to do, besides, but now I've got a purpose again. I know what I'm supposed to be doing now, I haven't known my purpose in a long time, I don't want to waste my time not following it." He looked back at Jordan and saw that his eyes were trained on him. "I'm not wasting my shot at experiencing things first-hand and bringing them to the eye of the public. Not anymore."

Jordan's eyes glinted in the midday sun. "Well, sounds like you're gonna need a writer," he said smoothly, watching the cars go by before turning back to Alfred. He offered a crooked smile. "I'm taking a few classes, once I'm done with 'em I'll be qualified to write articles and be a journalist, along with being a lawyer."

Jordan's offer hung in the air, Alfred stared in shock. Slowly, as if it were a timid child, a smile grew on Alfred's face. He grinned and nodded. "I'm probably gonna run into legal issues, you'd be a real help. Who knows, maybe I could help you too, bring up the injustices in immigration?"

The two smirked and shook hands, standing as if to take their leave.

"Well, Alfred F. Jones," Jordan declared, "it'll be a pleasure working with you."

Alfred laughed and nodded. "I feel the same, Mr. Jordan."

"Until we meet again, Al."

"Until we meet again, Jordan."

The two parted ways, the whistling sound of a quick breeze shifting their hair out of their eyes. The two looked up to the sky, and saw a bright future they would influence into reality.

The End

C_A:  I'd like to say that this has been one heck of a journey.

I love this story to pieces; but, like a delicious pie, it must be finished to truly appreciate it and all its splendor.

Whether there will be a third installment to this series is highly unlikely. I'm not versed in any of Mexico's politics, heck, I doubt I can even find my parents' hometowns, I know next to nothing about Mexico's struggles; in Hetalia, Mexico is only briefly mentioned, I believe.

I cannot imagine what I would write about. I've written Mexico in these stories as someone who is self-assured, who deals with his problems but is still imperfect. Unlike America and Canada, Mexico doesn't have something he has to prove in Hetalia. If I were to make a story about him, it would most likely be half-assed and fall flat.

No, this series is at its inevitable end.

I love every single commenter who decided to give this book and its predecessor a chance and who voiced their opinions and thoughts. You guys are the best.

To quote Hamilton: The Musical:  "Tomorrow there'll be more of us." I hope this story continues to reach people. To quote the musical once more, "Raise a glass to Freedom."

Thank you.

Finished:  12/07/2018
23:56 P.M.

Word Count:  1611+

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