"Yes, of course :] I miss you too! So much <33"

I smiled at his message. Louis honestly was the only person that could bring a smile to my face any moment. I could be close to tears and Louis being all cute and adorable would still make the corners of my mouth turn upwards. He was basically the only light in my life.


I couldn't wait to see him the next day. Impatiently I waited for him in front of the school, my head phones in and awkwardly pretending to text so no one would come up and try to talk to me. Suddenly I felt arms around me and a small kiss getting pressed against my sensitive neck.

"Hey Lou." I mumbled, immediately recognizing the scent of the raspberry shower he usually used. Turning around I eventually had the person I adored so much in front of me. Louis was the definition of beauty. His hair was a chestnut brown colour, and he had a side fringe. I reached out and lovingly brushed away the few strands that were falling into his eyes.

Louis' eyes were really interesting - at least to me. They were never the same colour, changing from bright blue like the sky to deep cyan like the sea. It was always a surprise to look into his eyes and note how they had changed colour once again. Gazing into them for a little while, I swear it sometimes felt as if I could drown in them.

They were so deep and open, as if you could gaze into the depths of his soul just by looking into them. But then again, maybe it only felt like that to me, because I knew Louis so well. "How was your weekend?" He chirped, grinning widely. I sometimes really wondered how he could be so happy and cheerful all the time.

I contemplated whether I should tell him how he had helped me yesterday without even knowing, but I wasn't sure. Did I want him to know how much I had been on the verge of breaking my promise? But maybe he would want to know. Maybe it'd make him happy to know he had managed to keep me from hurting myself. In the end I decided to just go for it. "It was... bad." I mumbled, only loud enough for him to hear. "What happened, Harry?" Louis asked concerned, cupping my face gently in his hand.

"I almost- almost did it again last night." I started shakily, fiddling with my hands nervously. "But then I got your message and I told myself I didn't want to disappoint you... So I- I didn't do it and threw my blade away..." I was cut off by Louis flinging his arms around my neck, pulling me close to him.

"I'm so unbelievable proud of you, Harry", he exclaimed. "It must take so much to just not do it. You're such a strong, amazing person." I smiled lightly at his outburst, wrapping my arms around his middle hugging him tightly.

"You should thank yourself." I chuckled, feeling unusual blithe and weightless at that moment. Louis pulled away a bit to look at me, his face was literally beaming in happiness and I could feel his bliss even through the kiss he quickly pressed to my lips. I smiled, kissing back eagerly until both of us were out of breath and we had to break away from each other.

"I love you." I giggled, as Louis continued to softly stroke the back of my head, trying to flatten my mop of hair. "I love you more." He announced, leaning in and giving my nose a quick peck before pulling fully away from me. "Liar."

I intertwined our fingers happily and started dragging him to the entrance of the school. The bell would ring in less than 5 minutes and I couldn't allow myself to be late. My Maths teacher couldn't stand me anyway. Being late wouldn't exactly make her like me more. "Shut up." Louis laughed, swinging our arms while following me.

"Never!" He rolled his eyes at me, but the smile stayed on his face, just like mine did. "Ugh, I don't want to leave you." He grumbled when we arrived at my Maths class. "Neither do I, but we'll see each other again in about 2 hours." I answered, trying to think rather of seeing him again, than being alone and bored for the next two lessons.

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