The Alpha raised his paw and rested it on Fenrir's ankle and slowly, gradually the wolf leaned more and more onto his limb until the man's weaker bone broke and shattered underneath the impressive strength.

Carefully, the lycan proceeded to splinter the rest of his skeleton, little by little, tearing shouts that would curl the blood of anyone in the vicinity and make them run for their life for the sole purpose of never encountering the cause behind those screams.

Taehyung's claws pierced through the man's armor and skin, to prevent him from rolling around although after the Alpha finished crushing his lower body bones he was not able to move in any way.

"If any of you share the same views as that ingrate, that vile churl," she announced to her people after the lycans had retreated, "then step forward."

The men exchanged looks silently.

"Surrender your weapons," ordered Jungkook.

The Queen marched down towards Fenrir, her gaze blinded by sorrow and revenge and without a word she lowered her torch, she had taken from a guard standing in the back, for the fire to take hold of his clothes. Orange and yellow rapidly consumed the entirety of his broken body, the echo of his cries dying in the eerily silent night.


A discussion had been initiated at the end of the conflict between both parties. With the assistance of Taehyung and Jungkook, each helping you persuading their kin, you were able to come up with a treaty that addressed the problematic issues and offered terms suiting both the Alpha and the Queen that took into considerations their wishes and were supervised with rules they would have to follow to ensure the good relationship.

This mattered a lot to you and you wished nothing but to put an end to those abductions, pointless ransacking and to avoid any other losses. You were adamant in settling this issue once and for all for the sake of all the victims and for Jimin.


Much to your surprise, the Queen visited the camp for your lost friends' funeral. The Alpha had kindly agreed for you to say one last goodbye to them.

She came with Jungkook and joined the small gathering made of you and your husband.

Taehyung had helped decorating beautifully ships for the burials. The dead wolf was positioned on its side, lying on a bed made of large leaves and little purple flowers. Fuchsia and white lilies with gladioli and daffodils decorated the larger ship where Jimin was laid on, framing enchantingly his pale and peaceful visage.

The water was quietly moving on the beach you were all gathered. Waist-deep in, you brought final touches to their flowery coffins, making sure their eternal sleeps would never be bothered on their way to the afterlife. You turned to lean over the vampire; his features were so tranquil, peaceful and it hurt knowing his lids would never open again.

You slowly pressed your shaky lips onto his cold cheeks and whispered in his ears, "farewell good friend."

Taehyung joined you and gently pushed the wolf's boat while you took care of the other.

You walked out of the water and stood next to the Queen and Jungkook. Taehyung's arm circled your shoulder and you squeezed your fingers after you felt your half-brother's hand holding onto yours and tears overflowed your eyes instantly.

A man shot two blazing arrows in the air which landed perfectly onto the two ships setting them on fire as they kept drifting away towards the infinite seas.

One month later

You never stopped visiting the wolf's home after its demise.

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