A cry was heard in the distance. It sounded heart-broken and chills ran down your spine.

"I'll go. Stay here with them." You nodded at him and he walked away.

You looked back at the disorder. You felt tiny hands fisting your pleated dress and met the scared eyes of your children who had huddled around you. You mustered the most reassuring smile you could and caressed their hands gently but you did not know who you were trying to ease the most.

The two small children did not leave your sides while you looked for a proper and comfortable piece of furniture where they could seat while you would tidy up the place a little.

You busied yourself with moving lighter objects, piling them in one place in the tent when you heard your son calling for you.

You wiped the sweat off your forehead as you walked towards the entrance where two werewolves were patiently waiting, a grim look on their faces. They were pulling a large wheelbarrow behind them which served to collect and transport all the rubble.

They offered to help you to move the broken contents all the way from the tent to the wooden pushcart which you gladly accepted and in no time at all the tent was bereft of almost everything that was once decorating it.

"Here," suddenly spoke up one the woman, "to make up for your bedding in the meantime."

She gave you three heavy haystacks and some linen sheets to cover them with.

"Oh, uh- thank you." You offered a small crooked smile, accepting the gifts with open arms. You hesitated for a few seconds, "Has this ever happened before?"

"More than once." She huffed while throwing handfuls of bits and pieces and rubbed her dusty hands in the air. "It's always the same old story."

Her companion nodded his head at you and effortlessly lifted the bars of the barrow to head to the next tent.

You walked back inside, your children still waiting where you left them. They watched you as you scattered evenly the hay where the bed previously was.

Your baby son began fussing in between his siblings when you were close to finish preparing. You invited your children to come lay on the newly made bed while you went to look for pillows or substitutions. A contented sigh escaped you when you situated three large cushions hidden in the corner of the wardrobe, the sole piece of furniture that had survived the ransacking.

You gave the fluffy cushions to your children and went to carry your baby who was crying loudly and waving his tiny limbs beneath in the cloth you had wrap him in.

You positioned yourself comfortably on the bed as well to get ready to breastfeed. You undid the buttons of your shirt and lowered your small-cloth underneath it to uncover your swollen breast.

Your son made a sad little whimpery sound before he felt the warmth of your skin and the contact of your nipple nudging his mouth on which he latched his mouth eagerly.

You had grown fond of staring at the circular motion your baby made while suckling you; you would never be tired of watching it. You gently ran the pad of your finger above his chubby cheek and thin hair while his tiny chin moved up and down and his throat gulped down your milk.

You had missed this with your two first but you were set on relishing the tender moment with him as a compensation.

When Taehyung had pushed the fabric of your tent, the display he saw was enough to make the frown distorting his features soften and almost make him forget about the triste event.

He was surprised to see that all the rubbish had been removed and replaced with a commodious and snug looking-like bed. He paused gazing lovingly at you smiling down at your youngest son and at your children who were watching him with curious eyes. Your daughter had pressed herself closer to you, near her younger brother's head which she was gently pecking.

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