The Korean cleared her throat and watched the snow flicking off her shoes as the two girls walked to their diner, "I heard you have a date with Rocco tonight". Lisa felt a pang of guilt in her stomach, she wanted to tell Jennie that she only likes Rocco as a friend, she wanted to tell Jennie that she was all Lisa could ever think about, she wanted to tell Jennie that she was in love with her and Rocco, sweet as he was, could never compare. She wanted to tell Jennie. Distance, that was what Lisa had decided. Distance. The Thai nodded, "yeah, I do. He's..." - not you- "really cute". Although Jennie was hurt she was not changing her mind, she had decided to eventually tell Lisa the truth about her feelings, she just needed to wait for the right time.

"Gonna tell me what's up" Jennie asked calmly as she sipped her drink up through her straw. Lisa shook her as she played around with the salt and pepper shakers, anything to avoid eye contact with the girl sitting across from her, "it's nothing, I just miss home I guess". Jennie reached over the table and grabbed the Thai's hands tenderly, "you can talk to me about anything Lis, I hope you know that". The sudden contact made Lisa's heart flutter. -This isn't real, she's just a memory- Lisa kept repeating in her head to prevent her from lunging across the table and kissing Jennie till neither of them could breathe, - it's just a memory...the most vivid freaking memory imaginable-. "T-thank you" the Thai stuttered before pulling her hands away and folding them across her lap. Although the older girl felt a little rejected as the younger pulled away, she wasn't about to think too deeply on it, Lisa was upset after all. Instead she simply smiled. "We should go to the record store before your date tonight" the Korean said, changing the subject as Lisa clearly didn't want to talk about what was bothering her. The Thai's eyebrows raised a little, she'd forgotten all about trying to get a job, "oh yeah you're right we should!".

Jennie was mesmerised by all the records in the store like a child at Disneyland. She loved music, if she could abandon all her responsibilities and just drive from state to state in a van going to music festivals and listening to the radio then she would, in fact it was something she often fantasised about, just her and Lisa driving across the country listening to music and having fun, picking up new friends along the way. Most of those fantasies involving Lisa were innocent like they were right now, just music and partying a typical teen dream but sometimes usually during the night when Jennie was alone and couldn't sleep, those fantasies would take a more carnal nature, kissing, tearing at clothes with teeth and hands...thinking about things a respectable girl like Jennie wasn't supposed to think about. "Oh my god Lis, The Animals" she said excitedly as she held up a record of one of her favourite bands. Lisa smiled and placed her hands on the older girl's shoulders, patting them slightly, "ok I'll leave you to freak out over all the music for a while I talk to the guy at the counter about the job, have fun".

"Hi" Lisa said sweetly and a little nervously as she approached the man at the counter, he was very tall with long mousey brown hair, "I head that uh you have a job vacancy". The man lifted his head and grinned brightly at the Thai, he'd been smoking weed all day so everything made him smile at this point, "alriiiight awesome" he said while raising his hand in the air for a high-five, which Lisa returned shyly. "I just handle all the orders and stuff, the manager is out back, I'll call him for you" the man continued, "HEY PHIL! GIRL HERE FOR THE JOB" he yelled so loudly it hurt the brunette's ears a little. Lisa frowned as something dawned on her, - nah must be a coincidence, lots of dudes are called Phil- she thought, "wait did you just say your manager is called Phil?" she asked anxiously. The man smiled and nodded, "yeah that's right, Phillip West, best manager in town aint that right Phil?" he said turning to the other man who had just walked through the door. Lisa froze and not because of the cold weather, her stomach churned violently and her heart felt as though it had stopped beating all together, it was him, The Night Butcher. She was stood face to face with an infamous serial killer, a man who had already been murdering people over the past 10 years and would continue to do so for another 20. Her body was shaking, she didn't know what to do. Phillip smiled and introduced himself to Lisa before glancing behind her and looking at Jennie. Lisa's blood began to boil and her legs trembled as she clenched her fists so tightly her nails were cutting into the palms of her hands, - don't you fucking look at her-.

Over and Over JenLisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now