Chapter 3

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‘’Bloody hell. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.’’ I hear someone muttering a string of curse words through the darkness. Where am I? I slowly open one eyelid to see a tall boy facing away from me, clumsily playing with the buttons on his phone. My other eye opens as I take in my surroundings, suddenly remembering the store – the stubborn book– and the fall. As I lift myself slightly, a sharp pain shoots through my head and I let out a loud groan causing the boy to turn around.

‘’Oh my god.’’ He drops his phone to the floor, as he just stands there, staring. I raise an eyebrow in confusion, and he immediately crouches down beside me.

‘’Are you okay? Ah shit, of course you’re not okay. That was stupid, sorry. What I meant was, how are you feeling? Like you know, you’re probably feeling pretty bad after that fall but on a scale from one to sucky, how bad is it?‘’ He rambles on in what I now notice is a very thick Irish accent. I again attempt to sit up, but wince when I feel the same sharpness spark through my skull.

‘’Sucky. Really sucky.’’ I tell him, honestly. I catch him nibbling on his lip in distress, flicking his eyes between mine and the hand on my head.

‘’Let me take a look.’’ He breathes out before moving closer till we’re only an inch apart, when my senses are practically going overdrive. ’Alert. Alert. Cute boy is within kissing distance, Freya. Back away.’ I hear the voice in the back of my head, warn. I pull away within seconds, somehow finding the strength to stand. I shakily grab a shelf for balance as the room spins in a seemingly never ending spiral.

‘’No, I got it!’’ I panic, my breathing becoming heavier. Ugh, I can feel it. My anxiety is coming back. It’s not my fault though, I mean this guy is way too cute to be this close to me. Wait a second, who is this guy?

‘’Who are you?’’ I blurt out, curiosity disguising my nerves. He looks a bit taken back, but it is soon replaced with a look of panic of his own. He ruffles his chestnut brown hair a bit, his eyes never leaving the beige carpeted floor.

‘’Uhh...’’ His soulful blue eyes travel up to mine, and for a minute, I get lost in them. I swear I can see the ocean through their flecks, its waves crashing back and forth under a twilight lit sky.

‘’I’m kind of the reason you hit your head. Milo Cadigan.’’ He sticks out his hand, flashing a timid smile whilst I continue to stare at him. Gosh, his eyes are just so blue—wait, rewind. He’s the reason I hit my head? How is that even possible? I mean I was trying to get a stubborn book off the shelf and fell when it--

‘’I guess I deserve that.’’ He chuckles, pulling his hand back.

‘’What do you mean you’re the reason I hit my head?’’ I ask, watching as he bends down toward something by my foot. As he comes back up I spot the City of Fire book in his hand.

‘’You know, the more I think of it, the more I think it’s this books fault.’’ He glides his fingers over the cover, looking deep in thought.

‘’We were both holding this,’’ he gestures to the book, ’’and when I let go, you went flying into the shelf. What are the odds, right?’’ I merely nod my head, trying to process everything. Then out of all things I could have said, I had to ask the dumbest question.

‘’You like the Mortal Instruments?’’ Way to go Freya. Your social skills are flourishing. Luckily, he’s a nice enough guy to not look at me like I’m the most awkward person alive, and actually laughs. That’s right, laughs. I, Freya Leonards, have just made a very cute guy laugh. Me! Out of all people! I have to bite my lip to keep myself from grinning like a kid in a candy store.

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