My Wattpad Book Club

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The rapid pulse of my heart beats in sync with my quick strides as I walk further away from the classroom and head in the direction of the main hall. Most students are already busily chatting away in the cafeteria, clinging to their groups of friends as if life depended on it. It’s only been two months since the last day of school, people. You don’t need to cry out squeals of joy like you’ve just won the Amazing Race. Teenagers can be so dramatic sometimes. My feet subconsciously come to a stop before the school’s infamous Bulletin Board. Located on the walls facing the schools front entrance, it’s hard to miss even by my standards, and I usually stick to keeping my head down with my hair over my face. This is the place to advertise events and clubs if you want to get even an inkling of attention…and that’s exactly what I’m about to do. I remove the strap of my backpack from one shoulder and carefully take out the sheet of poster paper that I spent hours decorating last night. My shaky hands clumsily grab the stapler and I lift up the poster to the center of the board, in between signups for soccer tryouts, and the cheerleading squad.  I cautiously peek down the halls, paranoid of getting caught and laughed at. To my relief, it’s completely empty and I resume my stapling. After a few dozen staples, I nod my head in satisfaction. I’m sure that’ll hold up. I step back and admire my work. Huge bold letters adorn more than half it, painted in orange and white and the essential information make up the rest. This is it. My first club. My Wattpad book club.


Hiya! New story. Just the introduction here, but will upload chapter 1 a day or two after.

Hope you are liking it. :) 

-Rach x

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