Chapter 1

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Sweat trickles down my temple as I stare at the clock. Every minute, every second, every tick is taunting me like a forbidden cookie jar does to a small child. As it nears a quarter to three, the beating of my heart picks up and I can’t keep still. I tap my nails to the stomping of my shoes against the concrete floor while humming along to a random pop song stuck in my head. 

What if nobody shows up? Or what if somebody does show up, just to make fun of me? They could like show up and throw freaking eggs at me or something. Although that’s highly unlikely as I’m practically invisible to the whole student body. It’s like I’m not there to them, a ghost, or a mere shadow with nowhere to belong. I shake my head to rid my bitter thoughts. I shouldn’t be thinking of this now. I should appear cheerful and talkative, or at least that’s how all the popular people act.

The sudden slam of a door whips me back to reality, and my heart bursts out of my chest. I slowly turn while gnawing on my lip to calm myself.

‘’Sorry.’’ The janitor mutters under his breath as he turns to leave the room. ‘’I’ll come back later.’’ He grabs his bucket and mop and briskly walks out. I sigh both in relief and disappointment. My attention turns back to the clock. People should be here by now.

Who am I kidding? As if someone would actually show up to my club. Nobody even knows who I am. I pull on my jacket and grab my backpack, giving in to the doubts in my head. This was such a bad idea. Just as I reach for the knob, the door opens and a familiar girl walks in.

‘’Is this the Wattpad Book club?’’ The brunette asks while carelessly chewing on a piece of gum. I try to answer but the words get stuck in my throat and I end up remaining silent. ‘’What, are you mute or something?’’ I take a big gulp as I shake my head, feeling very uncomfortable under her scrutinizing eyes. She leans all her weight on her right leg, her arms crossed over her chest almost as if testing me. I feel her eyes searching me up and down, probably to gather some clue of who I am and what I’m all about. I’m nobody, I almost want to say. My attire gives nothing away of what ‘group’ I belong to, which is all thanks to the whole ‘no group’ thing.

‘’You’re Cara, right?’’ I manage to squeak out. There’s a moment of silence that washes over us and I awkwardly cover my face with my hair, shying away from any possible eye contact.

‘’Yeah. Do I know you?’’ I cautiously lift my head up. Her face is set in a prominent scowl and her hazel eyes slice through me like daggers. Oh no. Have I said something wrong? My gaze moves up to the top of her head, this way I can look at her without peeing my pants. 

‘’N-no. I’ve just…seen you around is’ all.’’

‘’How come I haven’t seen you around?’’ Curiosity takes over her once sour tone and I build up the courage to look her in the eyes. ‘’You do go to this school, right?’’ She arches an eyebrow.

‘’Of course. I wouldn’t have been eligible to make this club if I wasn’t a student here.’’ A bit of sarcasm seep into my words and my eyes shoot up in surprise at myself. Crap. Is she mad? A smirk slowly forms on her face and relief courses through me. Thank god.

‘’So what’s your deal?’’ She asks as she casually leans against the doorway. Everything about her screams ‘I don’t care.’ I wish I could be like that.


‘’You know. What are you into?’’

‘’Nothing really.’’ I reply almost embarrassed.                                                   

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