The Devil and The Marriage Proposal

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The devil came through with a bit of a headache. That fall was a bit too hard so he hit his head on the very very hot hellish floor.

The devil groaned as he got up from his angry-looking bed that had horns and raged with fire. The bed was covered in worms and as he stood up he shook them away from his body. They had burrowed deep holes in his body that was starting to close up. It was disgusting.

'That was such a cruel nightmare,' he mused.

'Time for your bath, my lord.' A very dwarfish demon with a hunchback said with a bunch of red towels on his arms that were filled with prickly hair.

The devil hummed to himself as he walked over to the bathtub that was filled up with molten hot lava.

The devil got in and sighed a sigh of relief as a female looking demon with an ugly face but shapely body massaged his body. He hummed in pleasure as he relaxed. Oh, that was the life.

Bang bang bang

His door rattled shaking his bedchamber to this roots and he was thrown out of the peaceful sensation he rarely got in hell rudely.

He stood abruptly flashing his red jewels at the female demon who fell faint at the sight. He snatched the towels from the limp body and dried himself, his skin peeling off when the prickly towel came in contact with his bloated skin.

He shrugged on his clothes, they could withstand the fires of hell. He made them himself and he shrugged on his cape over the biker like clothes he was putting on. He took his magnificent golden crown over his head. And he reached for his pitchfork before standing to admire himself in the full body mirror.

'Hmm such a handsome devil,' he said to himself. Which was quite an irony because the image in the mirror was quite hideous. But who knows what the devil sees as handsome.

His skin had a lot of boils that brought out water and pus. His skin was bloated with prickly hair. His fangs kept digging into his skin and bringing out blood. His eyes though were pretty. They were the loveliest shade of green and they looked like those of a snake. His forked tongue came out to lick his lips and his tail wagged quite happily as he stroked his horns while admiring his reflection.

Another three raps brought him out of his reverie and he sighed stepping over the still limp body of the demon as he strode over to open the door.

'I hope this was important or I will rip off your tongue through places you never thought was possible,' he threatened the scrawny looking demon who was shivering with fear.

'W-well th-he s-s-ou...,'

'Would you speak up before I rip off your damned tongue,' he bellowed at the little demon who had already shit his pants and the air stank like hell, even though they were in hell already.

'Did you just? Oh just get out, you're pathetic,' the devil spat out.

'I'll just find out what is wrong myself then,' he muttered kicking away the demon with his shit away.

The devil in all his hellish majesty walked into his hellish throne room and behold his palace was in chaos. And the height of it all, on his throne, sat a woman. Wait... A what?

Oh, the devil was angry, furious annoyed and enraged. Nobody sat on his throne ever! Not even Asmodai who was next in power to him.

As he walked slowly to his throne that had been corrupted by that thing called a woman. His footsteps made depressions on hell's ground. The screams of the damned cursed with damnation flew past his ears and his green eyes flashed red.

'How dare you!' He growled throwing her off the throne as he sat there.

'Whatchu doing? Didn't ya mama teach ya not to disrespect women?'

That voice. Omigosh the devil realized that last night was not a nightmare but a reality. He blinked furiously.

She stood up from the floor where she had fallen and dusted her burning skin but for someone who was in hell, she was taking it pretty well.

'I told you I needed some clothes. I can't be running around naked. And where's my money? Thought you were supposed to pay me? You know what I need to teach you a goddamned lesson,' she rambled on.

The devil watched her open-mouthed then he smiled as an evil thought entered his head.

'Come my darling, I'll give you everything you want,' he grinned evilly as he pulled her closer.

He held her close, summoning all the powers of hell, he increased the temperature. His whole body lit on fire burning her tremendously but she didn't even flinch.

'Being grumpy doesn't suit you. Be nice like this always.'

What was going on? He was terribly confused? He tried and he tried but all she felt was his warm embrace.

'Marry me.'


A/N; Hi guys. Hope you loved this chapter. Vote and comment is one way of telling me you love me you know😉 And who thinks the Devil deserves this😂😂😂 New chapter coming up soon. And please bear with me for the slow updates for my other book, 'A Dark Fairytale,' I will resume soon.

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