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I wake up at my school. I see a "balilea" i don't know what is it.. It says that i have 3 balilea, and suddenly a 7th class student come to me and i hug her, i don't know why. And then me and my friend named Indra are about to search an oil paper. And we search it in a class with the 7th class girl that i just hug. And she come to me and ask "are you searching for oil paper" and i said "Yes we are" and she pick an oil paper from a cupboard and give it to me. I said "thank you" and then weirdly, she says "my name is Andea and i am 16 years old" and then the dream just somehow ended. Dream can be a really weird thing if you think about it.. Maybe it's a messiah that we never acknowledge.. Maybe it's just us that think dream is something that's real.. While actually dream happened on an unconscious dimension.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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