Chapter 3: Mr. Stalker

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Chapter Three

Mr. Stalker

Hailey glared at Raven. Raven was patiently waiting for something, or someone. Barely a day passed and the new cute lad was already hooked on Raven. Hailey caught him staring more than once at Raven. That surprised her.

Almost all the students, especially the guys, vied for Hailey attention. Hailey lead them around like obedient pups, but Raven hung around the type of people that Hailey wouldn't even cast a second glance. Even her brother had his cap set on her; he keeps on trying to flirt with her. And she bats him away like an annoying fly.

Hailey lost her train of thought, when she saw a familiar red convertible (technically her father's); Daniel was in the driver's seat. He was talking to Raven. Hailey headed their way, sensing tension.


She knew that Hailey was watching, and the American. The result of her 'after school activities'. He was at least fifteen feet right behind her, staring. Something about him seemed mysterious, and intriguing. Raven was always drawn to the unknown. She saw the red convertible and a grinning Daniel in the driver's seat.

"Right on schedule." Raven muttered.

The car stopped right in front of her. Hailey started walking towards them.

"Hello love, need a ride?" Daniel said, his right arm hanging out of the opened window.

Raven rolled her eyes. She looked at a nearby lamp-post. Her expression showed the fact that she was showing her utter most attention to the object that was subject to her studying.

"Raven." Daniel said, frustrated.

Raven started to whistle a lively tune.

"Woman, why do you have to be so hard to deal with?" he said impatiently.

Raven stopped whistling, and cast a brief glance at Daniel. His irritation was apparent on his face. Raven took out her phone, she had three new text's. One from a reporter that wanted an interview, and two from Smitt. None of them were welcome.Raven looked at Daniel again.

"No, Toby and Lucas are taking me to my flat. And I will say it again. I. Am. Not. Interested." Raven said slowly, she fell silently when she felt that Hailey was right behind her.

Hailey's shoulder bumped into Raven's as she walked past her. Raven gritted her teeth, barley able to subdue the sudden desire to shave Hailey bald.

"Daniel, we have to go home. Dad has an important meeting, and we have to be there." Hailey said as she got into the front passenger seat.

Daniel looked at Raven with longing. Then with a grim face, drove off. As soon as the Pierce's car was out of her view,the American started walking towards her. He stopped about a foot behind Raven.

"F.B.I. or C.I.A.?" Raven asked glancing back at Christopher.

"What!?" Christopher stuttered totally confused and shocked.

"Does the guardian that poses as your father, work for F.B.I. or C.I.A.?"

"I have no idea about wha-"Christopher started.

"Yes, you do. I have a couple of friends in the right places. I was suspicious about you. I did a quick research. I came across a newspaper clipping. 'The multi-millionaire Jonas Stone's son and heir disappeared from New York City's society'. So I did more digging, I came up with your middle schools yearbook. I believe it was called Liberty Middle School. And despite your father precautions, your picture's for the football team ended up in there. People don't change much in three years."

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