What Is This Feeling

Start from the beginning

Looking up at Jareth with a small smile "This *free hand jesters to the book* is your journals. This is all yours " I looked down at the book reading the first lines ' Why do I feel so alone. Yes I might have my goblins but I feel so...Alone'

I stare at Jareth with mix of emotions " Is this what you wanted to show me" Jareth shook his head "I wanted to show you this" Jareth spoke as he walked over to a shelf and pulled a long dark brown box.

He walked over to me, an gestures to the box " Open the box Regina" He whispered in my ear, gulping slightly, I took the box out of Jareth's hands and opened the lid.

I gasped. Why would ge show me this..Inside the bix laid a 12 inch wand, with beautiful carvings and a purple crystal resting at the top.. Slowly looking up at Jareth I blushed and stared at him with confusion "W-What us this" gesturing to the wand. He smirked " I've been watching you for a while now Regina and I know you love all things magical and strange" He paused and looked at me with a soft smile "It's yours. And if your willing, I can teach you magic " I stare at him in shock"Why. Why guve me something so. So valuable and me, doing magic" He raised his hand to my face and caressed it .

" Because you are special to me." I smiled at him 'I've never felt so.....Loved' I thought.

Jareth dropped his hand down from my face "Where would you like to vist next my love" Jareth bowed at me causing a giggle to escape my lips.

I stood in thoght before excitement filled my body " The thrown Room" I squealed, Jareth chuckled at my excitement " Then shall we" I grabbed his arm with my hands and followed him to the Thrown room not know what to suspect.

We arrived to the roomseeing all sizes and shapes of goblins, They all laughed at each other and Jareth looked at me with a smirk ' Watch this' he mouthed. Jareth walked forward, entering the room "What is going on!" he yelld.

I watched in shock as the all coward away " I have a guest" He growled out. Turing to ne he held his hand out waiting for me, sucking in a deep breath i walked intothe room.

Looking around i saw all the goblins look a me in suprise, looking down at my feet, I looked at the goblins in the room "H-Hi" and soon enough they all surrounded my legs and starting hugging them.

I giggled at their behavior, looking up Jareth smirked at me.

" You remind me of the babe" He sung. An to say the least, I was shocked at his voice.

"What babe"
"babe of the power"
"what power"
"power of voodoo"
"who do"
"you do"
"do what?"
"reminded me of the babe" Jareth grabbed my hand and started dancing with me.

"I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry. What would." Jareth spun me in a little circle making me laugh with joy.

"My baby's love has gone and left my baby blue. Nobody knew" I watched as the goblins begin to join us dancing.

"what kind of magic spell to use"
"Slime or snails" A random gobin sang
"Or puppy dog tails" another sung.
"Thunder or lightning"

"And baby said. Dance. Dance magic dance,Dance magic dance. Put that baby spell on me."

I started dancing with the goblins in the room, shocked and amazed at their singing ability.

"Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)

Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)

Put that magic jump on me

Slap that baby, make him free

I saw my baby, trying hard as babe could try

What could I do?

My baby's fun had gone

And left my baby blue

Nobody knew

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance) (x4)

Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump) (x2)

Put that baby spell on me (ooh)

You remind me of the babe

What babe? the babe with the power

What power? power of voodoo

Who do? you do

Do what? remind me of the babe

Dance magic, dance, ooh ooh ooh

Dance magic, dance magic, ooh ooh ooh

Dance magic

What kind of magic spell to use?

Slime and snails

Or puppy dogs' tails

Thunder or lightning

Something frightening

Dance magic, dance

Dance magic, dance

Put that baby spell on me

Jump magic, jump

Jump magic, jump

Put that magic jump on me

Slap that baby make him free

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)

Jump magic, jump

Put that magic jump on me

Slap that baby

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Dance magic, dance

Slap that slap that baby make him free

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance) "

I was hanging onto Jareth as we sway to the music. I felt as if my life was complete.

*Queenies POV *
I stood at an entrance that leaded me to a maze with hedges.

Gulping, I walk into the maze, 'huh ironic aint it. Im scared of a little maze thats really inside a giant one' I thought.

Walking around the corner I began to hear voices

" Ahh you giant lump af fur. Move out of the way" The voice seemed to sound high pitched.

"Ludo Sorry" another voice 'Ludo' apparently cried.Ludo...hmmm, why does that sound familiar .

As I looked around the corner i saw four creatures, a goblin, a giant thing? ,a small dog wearing a hat and a actual dog?......

Walking out, I cleared my throat.

" Hello. I need your help" This seemed to make them stop arguing.

They all stared at me with recognition.

"Hello miss. The names sir Didymus, at your service" The dog- I mean Sir Didymus. The big creature stepped forward " Ludo's friend" I stare at them all with awe.

I turned down to look at the goblin in shock " Y-Your hoggle" I stuttered, the goblin'hoggle' looked at me in confusion.

"Why yes i am" he looke at for a moment" Whats it to you" .

I was in shock. Theses were the animals that help my mother " I- Im Queenie Jane Williams. My mother is S-Sarah"

They all seemed lost for words " What are you doing here then. If you are you're mothers daughter, then you would have tried to avoid the Labyrinth" Hoggle questioned.

" I um....snet my sister here and i want her back. So can you help me. Please" They all nodded there head and soon we came up with a plan.

I'm coming Regina. If you like it or not.

Queen of the Labyrinth(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now