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Warning!: Contains sad and somewhat depressing content!

Woodland's P.O.V

"Come on Woods! Just tell Y/n that you love her already! It's been almost a year since she started working here and it's been literally the same amount of time since you got a crush on her, just tell her man," Tanner said loudly as I looked down at the floor, I knew he was right, I should tell her.

"But Tanner, what if she doesn't feel the same way?! I don't wanna ruin our friendship," I looked at my best friend for help. Soon Sam walked into the room and turned her gaze from me, to Tanner, and then back to me,"

"Are you guys seriously talking about Y/n right now?" Sam asked, playfully rolling her eyes and holding back a laugh.

"Oh come on Sam! This is hard!" I sighed loudly, throwing my hands up in the air, causing my hair to messily fall into my face. Using one of my hands, I pushed back my hair so it was no longer in my face, frustration making it's way into my mess of emotions.

"Woodsy, listen bud, Y/n cares about you a lot. She will never shut up about you and it annoys me sometimes," Sam started to say, causing my cheeks to heat up and my lips to curl up into a small smile. "I would just tell her, she clearly feels the same about you," Sam finished before leaving the room, leaving me with my thoughts and Tanner.

"So are you gonna tell her?" Tanner asked, looking at me with one of the most serious faces I've ever seen him give anyone. I let out a small sigh before responding.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'll tell her later today. I know she's on her way and hopefully isn't here yet so I have time to plan everything out," Tanner's expression went from serious, to pure joy. He jumped up and down, causing me to burst out into the laughter. Suddenly, my phone started to ring and we both stopped and stared at each other. I slowly pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Y/n's name.

"is it Y/N?" Tanner asked before walking over to me.

"Yeah she's probably locked out needs someone to let her in," I sighed before answering the phone. I put it on speaker phone so Tanner could listen to the conversation. "Hey Y/n/n what's up?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Hello is this Mr. DeMars?" an unknown female voice said, my heart instantly sunk. I looked at Tanner, who had a look of concern on his face, then I proceed to answer

"Yes this is, who am I speaking to?" I asked, trying not to sound too concerned about the situation.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Mary Brown from St. Vincent Medical Center. I'm calling in regards of Miss Y/f/n Y/l/n, do you know this patient? If so, what is your relationship with Miss Y/l/n?" The female voice finished. I could feel my heart shatter into hundreds of pieces, my eyes became watery, and I could feel a lump in my throat.

"Yes I know Miss Y/l/n, I one of her closest friends and I'm her co-worker. What is this about?" I spoke quickly, wanting to know what happened.

"Miss Y/l/n was in a car accident, I'm presuming on her way to work. There were no life threatening injuries, but she did need a few stitches. She is currently unconscious at the moment but she should wake up momentarily. Would you like to come see her?" Dr. Brown stated.

"Yes of course,"I looked at Tanner who quickly grabbed his keys and left the room, hopefully to go tell Matt what had happened and that we were leaving to go see her.

"Alright Mr. DeMars, she's on second floor, east wing, room 207. Have a good day Mr. DeMars," I quickly grabbed a pen and paper, writing down the information she gave me.

"Thank you ma'am, have a good day as well," I responded before hanging up. I quickly ran out of the office to find Tanner outside with his truck waiting to go to the hospital.

On our way to the hospital, my legs kept bouncing up and down, my heart raced like I had just tried running around for hours. I hadn't even realized I began crying until I felt a tear drop fall onto my hand.

"Woods she's okay, she's going to be fine. Don't worry," Tanner said, driving slightly over the speed limit to the hospital. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"How can't I worry Tanner?! The love of my life was just in a car accident! How am I going to stay calm?!" I yelled at him, soon after I slouched over and sighed. "I'm sorry"


At the hospital 

Y/n P.O.V 

I felt my eyes starting to twitch, I could feel the pain in my side from where I had to get stitches, I could feel the throbbing pain in my head, I could feel...someone holding my hand. 

I let my eyes flutter open, I shut then quickly due to the brightness of the light. I let out a loud groan from all the lights and the pain. The grip on my hand tightened as I heard to gasps, two all familiar gasps. I slowly reopened my eyes, giving them time to adjust to the brightness. 

"You're awake," Woods said softly, concern thick in his tone. I turned my head and gave him a slight smile and nodded. I glanced down at our hands, seeing our fingers intertwined together. I felt my face growing hot. 

"I-" I started to say before I broke into a coughing fit. I heard footsteps and felt Woodland grip my hand tighter. 

"Here ya go, this should help," I heard Tanner say, handing me a paper cup filled with water. I used my free hand to grasp the cup and drank it before placing the cup down on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Thank you Tanner. How did you guys find out I was here?" I asked quietly, trying not to strain my throat anymore. 

"One of the doctors called me and told me you were in a car accident. I came as soon as I heard," Woods said softly. He kept shifting his gaze from my e/c eyes to the pale grey walls of the hospital room. 

"You guys didn't have to come, I'm okay," I said looking at Woods who only gave me a slight serious face. Tanner let out a sigh. 

"I think you guys need to talk, I'll be out in the hallway. Or getting food," Tanner said before opening up the door, stepping out and closing it behind him. 

"What?" I said simply. Woods let go of my hand and looked at me. 

"What? Y/n you were just in a car accident. Did you think I wasn't going to be by your side in this?" Woods spoke, a mixture of sadness, concern, and frustration in his voice. 

"Woodsy, I'm alright. You could have stayed at work. Work is important," I frowned. Woods stood up from his seat and started to pace. "Woods?" 

"Y/n, come on! You're more important to me than work," Woods started to raise his voice. I quickly sat up so I could fully look at him, but that only caused me to wince in pain. Woods face softened when he realized I was in pain. "Y/n..." 

"No Woodland, tell me why it was so important for you to be here right now," I looked into his brown, teary eyes. 

"Do you really want to know the truth Y/N?" Woods asked, looking deeply into my eyes. I nodded my head 'yes'. "I love you. I'm so deeply in love with you, Y/n" He finished looking at the floor, letting out a sigh. The room was silent for a moment. 

"I love you too," I said loud enough for him to hear. His gaze meet mine before he quickly walked over, cupping my cheeks and giving me a passionate kiss. I hesitated for a moment before closing my eyes and kissing him back. Abruptly we heard the sound of a camera go off and we quickly pulled apart from each other, our faces a dark pinkish-red. I looked up and saw Tanner in the doorway, holding his phone up with a bright smile on his face. 

"I see you told her," Tanner smirked at Woods only earning a grunt in return and a giggle from me. 



Hi Guys! Sorry I've been absent for so long. Also I'm sorry this chapter has been udder trash. I'm not that proud of it but I guess if you like it then let me know. I have no ideas for the other people so if you want anything in particular put that down in the comments. I love you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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