Nothing's The Same

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Oliver's p.o.v

Should I say something? What will happen if I do?i can't even imagine what would happen?. I saw something I wasn't suppose to see and I didn't do anything. Was I scared,or did I think she deserved it. Out of all people,why......

Chase's p.o.v

We finished cleaning out the house from the party. There was barley any food only cups that once held  Alcohol. I looked over to kaz and he was still smiling since he came downstairs. "What are you so happy about".i chuckled. "Oh,nothing".he said shaking his head while still smiling. Oliver looked our way. "He's happy because he and Bree hooked up".Oliver explained. "Ewwww". I looked at kaz. He turned to Oliver "how do you know". He asked. "Because she came downstairs in your shirt". Oliver said as he put a plate in his trash bag.

Kaz started smiling again. "I can not tell you guys what that girl can do with her body,when you look at her legs,her glorious legs..."kaz licked his lips. "Dude,that's my sister".i said with a disgusted face. "Stop being such a Hypocrite".kaz said. "What are you talking about".i replied while I put the trash in a trash bin. Kaz rolled his eyes "like you don't know". He mumbled under his breath. " I don't,know".i said confused. "Then what were you and sky doing upstairs last night".he smirked. "Nothing, cause we never went upstairs".i told him. Or at least I don't think we did. I looked over to Oliver who was silent the whole time, "Oliver did me and skylar go upstairs last night".i asked leaning on the kitchen table. he shrugged his shoulders than went to take the trash out before we could ask him any questions. What's up with him?

Bree's p.o.v

Tomorrow's our first day back to school,where all starting our junior year. I can't wait to get out of high school. I went to go look under my bed to make sure they were still there. I pulled the box out and looked inside,their it was.

My fake IDs

My Cigarettes

And my money

I'm not proud of what I do, but it helps me. Sometimes I just need to stop worrying. Selling fake IDs gives me the money i need for Certain thing. If my family ever found out I don't know what i would do with myself. skylar went out,but she looked like she was shaken up Inside. The good news is that she's not here so it's safe to bring my stuff out.

Out of nowhere my stomach starts to feels queasy,I quickly rushed to the bathroom in time to bend over the toilet. I pulled my hair away from my face cause I know exactly what's going on. I only had on question, Kaz or Nick?. I leaned against to bathroom wall and cried. How did life get to this.

Skylar's p.o.v

Today the world seems different. Not how I saw it before. It was slightly darker and the fact that Tomorrow was school didn't help. Back to the place where all the guys treat girls like they do. No one ever says shit about it. I don't know if it's my period but my stomachs really been hurting. This is the times I wish even though l'm still a girl from another planet I didn't experience what females one earth experienced.

I feel like I've been walking for hours but I don't wanna go back home. I don't know why but I just don't.

Oliver's p.o.v

"I have to get back home before my parents start wondering where I am". mike said. He gave me one last kiss. "Okay see you at school".i let go of his hand. I have to get back home to before they start wondering where I am. I haven't told the team I'm dating someone. More important I'm dating a male. I haven't told them yet.i don't think I will ever come out to them or anyone else. Mike doesn't have a problem with me being not ready and I can't thank him enough for that.sometimes I'm not really Comfortable with my sexuality and that's something I struggle with, which is why I can't tell anyone what happen the night of the party.

Kaz's p.o.v

Oliver's hasn't been being honest with us lately and I plan to find out what he's hiding we're best friends we tell each other everything. Right now skylar and Bree are asleep and I think chase is to.

It's almost 12:30 and Oliver's about to be back.i heard the door about to open and I jumped behind the couch and turned all the lights off. He opened the door and checked his watch,as he was about to go upstairs. I turned the lights on and jumped out from behind the couch,Oliver screamed and I shook my head. "Dude,What are you doing coming home at 12 at night".i asked. "What are you doing up this time of night".he tried to reverse the question on me. "I asked you first". I said. Oliver sighed.

"I..uh...was...hmm...studying at Cali's place". He said.

"You were 'studying' at Cali's place?". I questioned putting air quotes up.

"Yea".he said. I grinned.

"So You were over at Cali's house all night,with her,alone".i said raising my eyebrows.

"It's not what you think".he said shaking his head. "Sure buddy".i sarcastically said.

Chase's p.o.v

I feel like Skylar's been avoiding me. Is she mad at me? Did I do something wrong?. She been acting really upset lately and not really talking. Since Oliver isn't back yet and kaz is Wondering around, I decided to sneak into the girls Quarters. I didn't really care about waking Bree because our capsules are soundproof and Skylar's a heavy Sleeper. When we wake up together I could literally put a bullhorn in her ear, screaming and she would just snuggle her pillow.

I walked over to her and tried to shake her awake. "Skylar". I said as I shook her harder. She rolled around to face me. "What are you doing here".she said tired. "Are you avoiding?". I got right to the point. She sat up. "What do you mean".she said. "Lately you've been acting different".i pointed out. I moved closer to her. "Chase,there's nothing going and just don't ask again".she said with an attitude the rolled back into bed leaving me to sit there. I got up and walk back to my capsule. What's happening,with my skylar. Maybe it's school being tomorrow, I know how I feel about that.
Since Oliver and kaz were now peacefully sleeping I slowly went into our bathroom.
I locked the door. Back to school.

Back to the constant teasing.

Back to the constant bullying.

Back to the constant feeling of not feeling like I belong.

And now I feel like I'm losing skylar

I don't know what else to do but what I always do. I took the blade,rolled my sleep,took a deep breath,set the blade on my upper wrist,and slit it and the words useless were all I thought. I watched myself bleed then the pain started to sink in and I groaned and my breathing was getting heavier. I cleaned up the blood and put a band aid on it. I went back to bed and covered my wrist along with the rest of my scares.

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