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~Your POV~

That night when I got home I set down my bags and locked my apartment door before kicking off my shoes. It felt nice to be somewhere I was safe, that feeling refreshing compared to the constant paranoia that followed me everywhere. As I put away my groceries I nearly jumped when I felt something grace my leg. Looking down I sighed in relief to see it was just my cat. "Opal dear, you nearly scared Momma half to death!"

"Meow!" The cat seemed to smile at me as she snuggled close, I stroking her back in return.

"You little dork. I love you, ya know."


Chuckling I set her down and let her run around, the moonlight catching on her white fur and I returning to the task at hand. After a few minutes I was done and decided to look on the Internet at what my therapist recommended. Opening the laptop and logging in I Google searched Singapore and began scrolling through countless facts and websites about the island, my eyes widening at how beautiful the country seemed. Smiling, I researched a bit further until my eyes caught something that made my blood run cold. An advertisement had popped up suddenly off to the side of the website and with it came three horrifying creatures that seemed to be demons from Hell, their smiles taunting me as the bright bold white letters slowly flashed on screen in time with my heartbeat. 

Halloween Horror Nights.

I shuddered as the memories came flooding back-

The Invite.

  Meeting Chance.


      A Familiar Face.

        The Good Doctor.

           The Ironic Henchman.

             Escape but with a Price.

                The Party.

                     The Carnival of Carnage:Bloody Wedding Edition.

My fingers trembled as my lip quivered, tears threatening to spill from their prison. Not wanting to bring back pain I slammed the computer shut and quickly stood, deciding to drown my naughty thoughts. Rushing to my bathroom I turned on the ceiling fan and started the water, stripping down while steam collected on my mirror. Opening the curtain I felt the water, it being a comfortable temperature for me to get in.

 Closing the curtain behind me I let the water caress my body, it washing away the metaphorical pain in my head. Taking in low breathes I let my hand gently trace my leg, the wrist tingling due to the damaged ligaments being used without the arm brace. Stopping I let the water hit my flesh, it's sharpness reminding me of the blade Jack dug into my skin on several occasions. Wanting to take my mind off of things I grabbed the shampoo container and began to wash my hair when I felt something slide along my back. Freezing I thought it was just the suds but then the sensation came back, it being slick along my spine. "Hiya, puddin."

Spinning around I gripped the bar I had installed before my eyes widened. There stood Chance, her makeup bleeding and her hair matted down from the water. She rubbed her fingers together which caused her pleather gloves to squeak. "You look so nice in this position you know that, sweetheart."

Looking down I tried to cover up but Chance grabbed my hands and spun me around so my back was against her front. My breathing went rigid as her chin rested on my shoulder, her swaying us side to side. "You're not real."

"What was that, dear?"

"You're not real. You're just a figment of my imagination. You're in Shadybrook getting better."

She giggled in my ear and kissed my cheek. "You're so precious."

"Leave. Get out!"


That's when she began attacking my neck with her teeth. Crying out in pain I tried to fight her off but her grip was too harsh around my waist. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

I screamed and thrashed about, crying as I hit the bathtub floor. Scooting myself into the corner I brought my knees up to my chest and shook, strangulated sobs wracking my body. "Why can't they just leave me alone?!"

"Because we're apart of you, princess."

My heart sank as that familiar voice struck like thunder. Turning my trembling head I could only gasp out as there crouched Jack: his hair and clothes soaking wet as if he was there with me. In defeat I let my body slip down to a lying position, Jack taking the chance to straddle over the top of me with his hair dripping cool water onto my freezing body. My fingertips grazed the textured floor as my breath mixed with the man's above me. He chuckled as he leaned in closer. "You look so hot right now, Y/n. I could just eat. you. right. up."

I closed my eyes and shuddered as his fingernails slowly dragged against my forehead, them taking the wet strands with it. "Please, don't."

Another one of his raspy chuckles. "I plan to wait anyway. I won't do anything until you're here in person."

"I don't want to see you...not in my head or in reality. I left you with my past back at Universal."

"Don't you think your husband should be taking care of you, honey?"

"I'm fine by myself." I grunted, a new found strength coming alive.

"I'll make you eat those words, dear. You're mine and you always will be. No matter where you run. No matter where you hide. You'll always be mine. I made sure you remembered that."

I grit my teeth when my back flared up, the scars becoming fire. "That'll teach you to recall who you belong to."

"You sick monster!"

"Until next time, my dear~"

Closing my eyes his laughter echoed in my head, that hideous laughter that haunted me in my dreams and caused me to sweat. Slowly opening them I saw he was gone so I took the opportunity to hop out and dry off, get dressed in my pjs and head back to my laptop. It was decided.

I was going to Singapore and having a vacation.

                    I was going to have relaxation.

I was going to have my freedom.     

The Recurring Nightmare~Yandere!Jack the Clown X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now