Nightmares at Work

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~Your POV~

I allowed a smile to come to my face as Felicity sat down in front of me, her fingers playing with her bracelet. "So Felicity, how have you been since our last visit?"

She glanced around nervously before she responded, her eyes wide as she did so. "I think I'm being followed."

"Oh?" I grabbed my notebook and pen, ready to write. "And who do you think is following you?"

"...A clown."

I paused in my writing, looking up at my patient. "A clown?"



"Could you describe him to me?"

"W-well he has orange hair that has some red and yellow-it looks like fire. His eyes are always filled with anger and his hands are cold, like he's a dead corpse."

My hand trembled as I wrote before I set the pen down and coughed. "Does this clown talk to you?"

She nodded. "He often talks about you, Dr L/n."

My eyes widened as I knew who she was talking about. "W-what does he s-say?"

"He says he's going to come back for his wife. He really misses you and when you're back together he'll never let you go."
Confused by the distorted voice I looked up only to scream. Instead of Felicity sitting in front of me it was...Jack.
His yellow teeth gave off a grin as he quickly stood up and grabbed me, twirling me into a bow. I was about to scream again but he let his lips take control, them smashing down on top of mine and muffling any noise. Thrashing about I struggled as his dirty fingers caressed my back, pins and needles seemingly going through my veins.

Pulling our lips apart he chuckled, those green lips forming a smirk. "Y/n...Y/n...Y/N!"
I screamed as I opened my eyes, quickly taking in my surroundings. I noticed I was still in my office, Felicity holding onto my shoulder tightly. I grabbed my chest and slowed down my breathing, sweat slightly dripping down my face. "Are you alright, Dr L/n?"
"Y-yeah. I'm f-fine."
"Are you sure? You fell asleep as soon as I walked in the door and you started shrieking."
I took a deep breath and exhaled. "I-I'm sorry. Shall we b-begin?"
"Are you sure you're fine? Do you need some water or-"
"I'm fine, Felicity. I just need more sleep at night is all. Thank you for your concern though."
My patient nodded and assumed her seat in front of me, her appointment going underway. Though I was concentrated on Felicity my mind kept flipping back to that nightmare, knowing that many more were to come.

The Recurring Nightmare~Yandere!Jack the Clown X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now