Living A Wonderful Life

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The alarm clock went off a few more times before a hand shot out and hit the button to make it shut off. A groan could be heard from under the covers before the woman sat up in bed, her limbs stretching as she yawned. Staring off at the window the woman smiled before swinging her legs over the side of the bed, grabbing her prosthetic leg and attaching it to her sawed off thigh. Leaning over she grabbed her arm brace from her nightstand and attached it to her broken wrist. Sighing she stood and opened her curtains and window, a nice October breeze blowing through and tickling her nose. Letting a smile reach her lips the woman turned and headed to her closet, picking out an outfit for the day. Settling on a light blue floral print dress and black leather jacket, the h/c headed into her bathroom to change while also brushing her teeth and combing her hair. As she changed out of her pj's the woman seemed to have a change in attitude as she turned and gazed at her back in the mirror. E/c orbs trailed along the craftsmanship that detailed her flesh, the thin lines detailing an event she'd rather forget. Gently grasping at her back she let out a shudder, the scars seeming to burn underneath her fingertips. Shaking her head the woman replaced her horrible thoughts with gentle thinking, quickly easing her undergarments and clothes on before leaving the bathroom. 

Upon reaching the living room the woman looked over at her bed to see sweat stains etched into the sheets, remnants of last night's nightmares. Closing her eyes and sighing the woman reached her kitchen, looking at the various fruit in a bowl in front of her. When her gaze fell upon an apple however her eyes widened as memories of the deep red color came flooding back. Shuddering, she grabbed an orange instead before quickly putting on some black flats and rushing out of her apartment, locking the door behind her.

Rushing down the stairs, she gave a small goodbye to the man at the front desk before getting into her car and driving off to work. Her car ride was silent as she drove alone, the only sounds being the surrounding vehicles and construction sites of Orlando, Florida. 

It was only a few minutes later that she did arrive to her workplace, the tall looming building giving off a shadow. Locking her car behind her, the h/c headed into work and clocked in, a few of her coworkers saying hello. "Good morning, Y/n. How are you today?"

The woman turned to see her friend Martha standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee in her hands. Giving a small smile back she said, "I'm fine. A bit tired but ready to work nonetheless."

"Nightmares again?"


"Well I'm sure they'll go away eventually."

"Hopefully. Perhaps my meeting with Dr Peterson will get rid of them once and for all."

At the sound of Y/n's psychiatrist's name Maratha blushed, a sight that Y/n caught out of the corner of her eye. "Oh, fantasizing about Alexander again, are you Martha?"

"Oh shut up!"

Y/n chuckled as she pat her friend on the shoulder. "There's no need to hide it. Everybody can tell you have a crush on him!"

At this the brunette blushed harder, her cheeks turning a bright magenta as Y/n simply chuckled. "Well what about your love life, Y/n? I'm surprised a man hasn't come and swept you off your feet."

The e/c eyed doctor bit her lip and looked to the ground, her finger rubbing the black and green jeweled ring on her hand. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Oh. I'm sorry if I offended you, Y/n."

"No, it's fine. I'd best be getting to my office. I have to get ready for my first patient."

Slipping through the doorway and past her friend, Y/n headed into the elevator up to her third floor office, her thoughts being caressed by her evil thinking. Not many knew of the dark secret that was Dr. Y/n L/n's reality: the fact that a man had swept her off her feet and tangled her in chains, binding them together as husband and wife. Her husband was none other than the infamous Jack "the Clown" Schmidt, psychotic and murderous Icon to the event Halloween Horror Nights. However Y/n was not a fan of her marriage as she was forced into it and was quick to deny that she had a husband, even going as far as to keep her last name of L/n. 


E/c orbs trailed to the opening doors before she walked out and turned to the left, heading down the hall and into her office on the right. After opening the blinds, the lady doctor sunk into her chair and looked at the various framed pictures on her desk, all of them bringing tears to her eyes. The photos were near and dear to her as they pictured her boyfriend, boss and other friends in a much happier state than what they ended in. Y/n's bottom lip quivered as the memories of her peers' demise came to her head, her fingers instantly playing with the ring on her hand. Glancing down at it her breath sped up. Why did she even keep the damn thing if it reminded her so much of that bastard Jack? Well truth be told she did try and get rid of the ring but whenever she did it just came back, like a lost puppy without it's master. 

As Y/n's thoughts were all tangled together, a knock interrupted her. Looking up she saw it was one of her patients, her eyes trained on her. "Am I disturbing you, Dr. L/n?"

"Oh no, Felicity. Come on in."

The red head nodded and shut the door, thus beginning Y/n's long day at work. 

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